[ingo-hcmc] FW: Call for applications now open for the 41st IHRTP

Dung.Vu at international.gc.ca Dung.Vu at international.gc.ca
Mon Nov 14 09:16:33 +07 2022


From: Equitas <communications at equitas.org>
Sent: 3 novembre 2022 00:56
To: Vu, Dung -HOCHI -GR <Dung.Vu at international.gc.ca>
Subject: 📢Call for applications now open for the 41st IHRTP

Pour lire ce courriel en français, cliquez ici. <https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=76616c122d&e=6e392d9feb>


Greetings from Equitas !
We are delighted to contact you today with details about our next annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP). After having been postponed for three consecutive years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IHRTP will be back in June 2023! The IHRTP is an internationally recognized intensive three-week training program. It is the only training in the world specifically dedicated to building the capacity and skills of human rights educators. We are looking forward to another inspiring program in June 2023 and the opportunity to meet around 90 participants from about 50 different countries.
We invite you to submit an application for this program and/or to forward the information to your network of human rights educators and defenders. You can find more information about the program<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=2c2a9d3de0&e=6e392d9feb> and the application process<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=8ee95507d4&e=6e392d9feb> on our website. We also encourage you to widely share this Facebook post<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=cf88e3ec67&e=6e392d9feb>!
Please note that the deadline to submit your application to participate in the IHRTP is December 7, 2022.
Candidates living in Canada have until March 15, 2023 to apply.

Equitas is a Canadian non-profit, non-governmental organization established in 1967 dedicated to the promotion of human rights through education in Canada and around the world. For more information about our activities, please visit our website at https://equitas.org/<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=ee6e73a384&e=6e392d9feb>.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to consult the FAQ page<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=7d6994146b&e=6e392d9feb> or contact us at pifdh-ihrtp at equitas.org<mailto:pifdh-ihrtp at equitas.org?subject=International%20Human%20Rights%20Training%20Program>.
Yours sincerely,
Equitas team


  1.  View our Program information document: Click here<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=851b60422b&e=6e392d9feb>.

  2.  Read the 4-step Application Process Guide: <https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=104560291c&e=6e392d9feb> Click here<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=5a84182549&e=6e392d9feb>.

  3.  Create an account and fill out your application form online: contactequitas.force.com<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=7d4cd12436&e=6e392d9feb>

  4.  Upload your signed Memorandum of Agreement<https://equitas.us17.list-manage.com/track/click?u=53be366d5eb2e36c490388fbe&id=3e88f06ab6&e=6e392d9feb>, two letters of recommendation and your organization’s brochure to your online application.  

Keep in touch!






Copyright © 2022 Equitas-International Center for Human Rights.

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