[Ngo-admin] EMW Vacancies for Kon Tum Education Program - Program Manager based in Danang and Progarm Assistant based in Kon Tum

nhi nhi at eastmeetswest.org.vn
Tue Aug 4 02:05:25 BST 2009

Hello Vern and Ngo-Admin,


How are you doing? Hope this email finds you well.


EMW is now looking for a Program Manager based in Danang and a Program
Assistant based in Kon Tum for Kon Tum Education Program. We would highly
appreciate if you would post this job announcement for these 2 vacancies on
NGO center.


Many thanks for your help.


With best regards, Nhi


Ho Thi Y Nhi/Ms.

Deputy Director for Admin. & Finance

East Meets West Foundation - Vietnam

Address: 32 Pasteur Street, Danang

Tel.: (84) 511-3829110, Fax: (84) 511-3821850

Cell: 091-411-2411

Email: nhi at eastmeetswest.org.vn or hoynhi at gmail.com

Website: www.eastmeetswest.org


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