[Ngo-admin] Letter on Personal Income Tax Exemption for INGOExpatriates

cws cws at cws.org.vn
Thu Aug 27 10:35:19 BST 2009


-----Original Message-----
From: members-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn
[mailto:members-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn] On Behalf Of private list for
NGORC member only
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 5:17 PM
To: VUFO-NGO Members
Subject: [Members] Letter on Personal Income Tax Exemption for

Dear INGO colleagues:

COMINGO has released a letter (see attached) with the latest (good) news
regarding the Prime Minister's approval of the Personal Income Tax (PIT)
Exemption for foreigners employed in INGO Representative & Project Offices
in Vietnam.

Please note that this decision still awaits the Government's authorisation;
also further instructions will be provided by the Ministry of Finance in due
course; and more detailed clarification will be defined through individual
duration-based agreements between INGOs and the Government/COMINGO.

In the meantime, if you have any questions feel free to contact PACCOM at
(04)-3843-6936 (extension 206) or email <info at paccom.org.vn>

Best regards!

Marko Lovrekovic, Managing Co-Director
VUFO-NGO Resource Centre
La Thanh Hotel, 218  Doi Can
Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: +84 4 3832 8570
Mobile: +84 904 191 871
Email: director at ngocentre.org.vn
Web: http://www.ngocentre.org.vn/
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