[Ngo-admin] FW: Post Description - NGO website

DUNGLG GMAIL dzungpr2u at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 10:11:29 BST 2009

Dear chị,
Em là Dũng bên Dự án LIFE-GAP

Bên Dự án LIFE-GAP đợt này có đăng tuyển nhân sự ở một số vị trí.
Chị giúp em đưa thông tin lên website ngocenter.org.vn với nhé (em gửi thông tin trong file đính kèm).

Thông tin đăng tuyển đến ngày 19/10/2009.

Em cám ơn chị nhiều,

Thanks & Regards
Chu Le The Dung | Project on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Viet Nam (LIFE-GAP) | Unit 2, 14th floor, HAREC Building, 4A Lang Ha, Ha Noi, Viet Nam | Tel : +84-4-3772 5066 Ext. 31 | Fax: +84-4-3772 5065 | Cell phone: +84-983 612 337 | Email : dunglg at lifegap.org.vn; dzungpr2u at gmail.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: Nguyen Thu Trang [mailto:honeybee.thutrang at gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 8:21 AM
To: Chu Le The Dung
Subject: Re: Post Description

Dung oi, anh Long noi trong hop voi CDC la post het cac vi tri nhe.
Chi Nhan va chi Yen sua ten goi cac vi tri mot chut, day la ban final nhe.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chu Le The Dung" <dunglg at lifegap.org.vn>
To: "'Nguyen Thanh Long'" <longmoh at vaac.gov.vn>
Cc: "'Nguyen Thu Trang'" <honeybee.thutrang at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 4:29 PM
Subject: FW: Post Description

Dear anh Long,

Kate có email cho em về một số thay đổi trong nội dung posts, và gỡ bỏ vị trí post 4.

Theo em được biết thì anh muốn giữ nguyên vị trí posts 4 và 5.

Em forward Email cho anh và xin ý kiến chỉ đạo.

Em, Dũng LIFE-GAP.

Chu Le The Dung | Project on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Viet Nam
(LIFE-GAP) | Unit 2, 14th floor, HAREC Building, 4A Lang Ha, Ha Noi, Viet Nam | Tel : +84-4-3772 5066 Ext. 31 | Fax: +84-4-3772 5065 | Cell phone: 
+84-983 612 337 | Email : dunglg at lifegap.org.vn; dzungpr2u at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Kate Setterlund [mailto:SetterlundK at vn.cdc.gov]
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:40 PM
To: Chu Le The Dung
Cc: Nguyen Thu Trang; do thi nhan; Do Thi Nhan; Nicholas Medland
Subject: RE: Post Description

Dear Dung,
I understand that you will have to submit any changes we make to Dr. Long. 
If the changes in the attached are acceptable to him, please accept our edits to positions 4 and 5.
Due to some recent staffing developments, position #4 may be removed from the advertisement. However, I have discussed with Care and Treatment chief and staff, and we would still like LG to continue to advertise for position #5. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Chu Le The Dung [mailto:dunglg at lifegap.org.vn]
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 11:21 AM
To: Kate Setterlund
Cc: 'Nguyen Thu Trang'
Subject: RE: Post Description

Dear Kate, Dr Long reviewed this PD already and allow to post on websites, if you want to add anything, I have to submit Dr. Long again. I hope you could send the revised one as soon as possible.

Thanks & Regards
Chu Le The Dung | Project on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Viet Nam
(LIFE-GAP) | Unit 2, 14th floor, HAREC Building, 4A Lang Ha, Ha Noi, Viet Nam | Tel : +84-4-3772 5066 Ext. 31 | Fax: +84-4-3772 5065 | Cell phone:
+84-983 612 337 | Email : dunglg at lifegap.org.vn; dzungpr2u at gmail.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Kate Setterlund [mailto:SetterlundK at vn.cdc.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4:38 PM
To: Chu Le The Dung
Cc: Nguyen Thu Trang; dangthuyvu at lifegap.org.vn; chuvantien at lifegap.org.vn
Subject: RE: Post Description

Dear Dung,
Thank you very much for sharing these TOR for the job advertisements. I have talked to some CDC care and treatment staff and they would like to add further details to some of the job description because we feel they may be too brief and not clear enough.

We would like to have the opportunity to add more detail to some of the job descriptions/TOR.
Is it too late now to do this? Please let me know.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Chu Le The Dung [mailto:dunglg at lifegap.org.vn]
Sent: Tue 9/29/2009 10:32 AM
To: Kate Setterlund
Cc: 'Nguyen Thu Trang'
Subject: Post Description

Dear Kate,

I am Dung, IT Engineer at LIFE-GAP.

I am supporting Trang with Recruitment till there is a new a staff.

Please see the TOR of 8 positions which LG is going to recruit.

Thanks & Regards

Chu Le The Dung | Project on HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care in Viet Nam
(LIFE-GAP) | Unit 2, 14th floor, HAREC Building, 4A Lang Ha, Ha Noi, Viet Nam | Tel : +84-4-3772 5066 Ext. 31 | Fax: +84-4-3772 5065 | Cell phone:
+84-983 612 337 | Email :  <mailto:DungLG at lifegap.org.vn>
dunglg at lifegap.org.vn;  <mailto:DzungPr2u at gmail.com> dzungpr2u at gmail.com

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