[Ngo-admin] VAT refund/exemption

Nguyen Hoang Diep - SRC Vietnam cruzroja4 at fpt.vn
Wed Oct 7 09:11:08 BST 2009

Dear Ms. Men,


Thank you for raising interesting issue!

Our organization has, in fact, enjoyed VAT refund from emergency projects through our implementation partner, Viet Nam Red Cross Society. They submitted to MOF for VAT refund of goods purchased for emergency relief. 

Also I have known INGOs/foreigner purchasing goods for use as humanitarian aid or non-refundable aid to Vietnam enjoy VAT exemption themselves if they receive written certification from MOF. However, procedures of getting such document are complicated and time-consumed so we decided passing to our partner in dealing with these procedures. 

Of course, if any of your INGO succeeded in getting the certification please share with us!


Thank you so much.


Best regards,


Nguyen Hoang Diep (Ms)

Administration and Finance Manager


 * Cruz Roja Española - Spanish Red Cross

Vietnam Delegation

15 Thien Quang, Hanoi, Vietnam 

Phone/Fax: + (84 43) 942 3146
Cell: + (84) 912 125513

Email: cruzroja4 at fpt.vn

 <http://www.cruzroja.es/> www.cruzroja.es 

En beneficio del medio ambiente, imprime este e-mail sólo sí es realmente necesario.

Cada vez más cerca de las personas * Cruz Roja Española

Humanidad      Imparcialidad      Neutralidad      Independencia      Voluntariado      Unidad      Universalidad



From: ngo-admin-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn [mailto:ngo-admin-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn] On Behalf Of Tran Thi Men
Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 2:38 PM
To: 'Admin Working Group'
Subject: [Ngo-admin] VAT refund/exemption


Dear all,

It would be grateful if you could share with me whether your office has ever tried:

*	to claim for VAT refund, or
*	to apply for VAT exemption certificate

If yes, what’s the process do/have you take/taken?


Your responses will be summarized and shared among the NGO admin working group.


Many thanks in advance for your prompt responses.



Tran Thi Men, Operations Manager

Pact Vietnam 37A Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 844.3719.8899 ext. 102, Fax: 844.3719.1260, Mob: 849.890.59.599  <mailto:ttmen at pactvietnam.org> ttmen at pactvietnam.org


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