[Ngo-admin] VAT refund/exemption

Nguyen Thu Anh thuanhbb at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 8 09:24:33 BST 2009

Chao Men,
Ve cac qui dinh mien tru va hoan VAT, ban co the doc Thong tu 82-2007-TT-BTC, trong day qui dinh rat ro cac truong hop mien tru, va cac buoc,  giay to va cac thu tuc de xin Certification cua BTC cho cac truong hop nay
Ban co the tim doc Thong tu tren Cong bao so 524-525/August 2.2007 hoac search tren web
Hy vong thong tin tren giup ich cho ban, chuc may man
Thu Anh

--- On Wed, 10/7/09, Tran Thi Men <ttmen at pactvietnam.org> wrote:

From: Tran Thi Men <ttmen at pactvietnam.org>
Subject: [Ngo-admin] VAT refund/exemption
To: "'Admin Working Group'" <ngo-admin at ngocentre.org.vn>
Date: Wednesday, October 7, 2009, 2:38 PM

Dear all,
It would be grateful if you could share with me whether your office has ever tried:

to claim for VA T refund, or
to apply for VA T exemption certificate
If yes, what’s the process do/have you take/taken?
Your responses will be summarized and shared among the NGO admin working group.
Many thanks in advance for your prompt responses.

Tran T hi Men, Operations Manager
Pact Vietnam 37A Xuan Dieu, T ay Ho District, Hanoi , Vietnam
Tel: 844.3719.8899 ext. 102, Fax: 844.3719.1260, Mob: 849.890.59.599 ttmen at pactvietnam.org
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