[Ngo-admin] HPI's Advertisement

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hien thanhhien at abtvn.com
Thu Sep 23 10:35:04 BST 2010

Dear All,


HPI Vietnam is seeking a qualified Vietnamese organization to carry out (1)
three surveys of female sexual partners (SP) of injection drug users in Dien
Bien province and Ho Chi Minh and Hanoi cities; and (2) Orphan and
vulnerable Children (OVC) Survey in Thu Duc district, Ho Chi Minh city. 


Could you pls help us to upload this advertisement to network or circulate
to the people who are interested in.


Thanks & B. Regards


Nguyen Thanh Hien

Abt Associates Inc.

3rd Floor, 72 Xuan Dieu, Tay Ho District, Hanoi

Tel: 84-4-37185716

Fax: 84-4-37182652


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