[Ngo-admin] Recruitment from LIFE-GAP Project

Nguyen Thu Trang thutrang at lifegap.org.vn
Tue Sep 28 14:38:09 ICT 2010

Dear Friends,

LIFE-GAP Project, Ministry of Health is recruiting 3 posts:  HIV/AIDS Outpatient Clinic Officer, M&E officer and MMT Officer.

(More detailes are in the attached file)

Please forwards to friends who are interested in our recruitment.

Thank you and regards,

Nguyen Thi Thu Trang
LIFE-GAP Project
VAAC/MoH of Vietnam
Unit 2, 14th Floor, HAREC Building
4A Lang Ha, Hanoi
Tel:       3772 5066 
Fax:       3772 5065
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