[Ngo-admin] Vacancy in ChildFund!

Van Nguyen Thi VanNT at childfund.org.vn
Mon Dec 12 10:21:57 GMT 2011

Dear all,

ChildFund is looking for Admin Assistant (based in Hanoi), SR Assistant and SR Volunteer (based in Cao Bang) potions
Please help pass this message to those who are interested in.

Dear chị Ha,

Kindly help me to post this advertisement and its relevant supporting documents into the NGORC website and the up-coming Newsletters.

Thank you very much,

Nguyen Thi Van
HR Officer

ChildFund in Vietnam Representative Office
Level 10, 59 Quang Trung Street, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Phone: (844) 39446 449 I Ext. 121
Fax: (844) 39446 453
Website: www.childfund.org.vn<blocked::http://www.childfund.org.vn/>

Turned away from overcrowded classrooms, fed from unhygienic kitchens and forced to use a field as a toilet – vulnerable children in remote Vietnam suffer needlessly from the effects of poverty.  Please donate today<blocked::blocked::http://www.childfund.org.au/act/donate> to help build a preschool and provide a safe environment for young children to learn and develop.
ChildFund in Vietnam is an office of ChildFund Australia, part of the ChildFund Alliance.
ChildFund in Vietnam works in partnership with children and their communities to create lasting and meaningful change by supporting long-term community development and promoting children's rights.
ChildFund tại Việt Nam là văn phòng đại diện của ChildFund Australia, thuộc Liên Minh ChildFund quốc tế.
ChildFund tại Việt Nam làm việc trong mối quan hệ đối tác cùng trẻ em và cộng đồng để tạo ra những thay đổi bền vững và có ý nghĩa thông qua việc hỗ trợ sự phát triển dài hạn của cộng đồng và thúc đẩy quyền trẻ em.

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