[Ngo-admin] Reminder: Partage looking for child-focused local NGOs

Carine Colluard ccolluardpartage at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 15:48:40 ICT 2011

Dear all,

This is a reminder to our previous email from the 13th of June.
Thank you for providing us your input on*local officially registered 
child-focused NGOs *you would know**intervening in the areas  mentioned 
below by filling in the attached table by *Friday the 5th of August* as 
much as possible.

Very sincerely,

Carine Colluard
Vietnam Representative

220/18 Tran hung Dao B, Phuong 11, Quan 5, Tp. HCM
Phone: +84 (0) 838 53 72 94
Mobile: +84 (0) 912 818 718
ccolluardpartage at gmail.com

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Partage looking for child-focused local NGOs
Date: 	Mon, 13 Jun 2011 12:28:16 +0700
From: 	Carine Colluard <ccolluardpartage at gmail.com>
To: 	childrights-wg at ngocentre.org.vn, hcmc_crwg at googlegroups.com, 
ingo-hcmc at ngocentre.org.vn, ngo-admin at ngocentre.org.vn

Dear all,

Partage is a French NGO funded in Vietnam in 1973.
Our main focus so far has been to facilitate the access to education for 
thousands of disadvantaged children.
We currently intervene in Hue^', Lâm ?o^`ng and 6 districts of HCMC 
through DeLISA and the Red Cross.
However, the same way we chose to collaborate with our 34 other partners 
around the world, Partage in Vietnam intends to not intervene directly. 
Indeed, we would want to provide technical and financial support to 
*local officially registered child-focused NGOs* implementing their own 
For this reason, we are now looking for mapping the network of such 

To target our research, our analysis of the current needs of Vietnamese 
children, together with the requirements of our headquarters led us to 
the following conclusions:
- the need for intervention in suburban and rural areas, defined as the 
5 suburban areas of HCMC that are*Hóc Môn, Bình Chánh, Ca^`n Gio+`, Nhà 
Bè and Cu? Chi*; a 1st priority search circle of provinces adjoining 
HCMC, which includes *Bà Ri.a, ?o^`ng Nai, Bình Du+o+ng, Tây Ninh, Long 
An and Tie^`n Giang*; and a 2nd priority search circle of provinces 
adjacent with the provinces of the 1st circle comprising *Bình Thua^.n, 
Lâm ?o^`ng, ?a('k Nông, Bình Phu+o+'c, ?o^`ng Tháp, Vi~nh Long and Trà 
- the need for the LNGOs to address cross-cutting issues that are 
*poverty, all forms of violence, child education and/or parenting*.
- the need for focusing on *migrant children*, notably, *working migrant 
children* in suburban areas, and on *handicapped children (incl. Agent 
Orange victims) and ethnic minority children* in the various 
above-mentioned provinces, in at least one of the programmes developed 
by the LNGOs.
- the need for tackling the issues aforementioned under the form of 
*programmes on child education* (formal, informal, inclusive), 
*community development* (incl. agricultural support to farmers) and/or 
*family psychosocial follow-up* (incl. training of local case workers 
and educators).
- the need for the LNGOs to have the potential to manage *a sponsorship 
programme for a minimum of 300 children* in the future.

We would very much appreciate if all of you could contribute to this 
mapping exercise by sharing information you would be aware of by working 
on the field.
We are very willing to share the final information gathered to any 
interested organization.

Thank you very much in advance.

Very sincerely,

Carine Colluard
Vietnam Representative

220/18 Tran hung Dao B, Phuong 11, Quan 5, Tp. HCM
Phone: +84 (0) 838 53 72 94
Mobile: +84 (0) 912 818 718
ccolluardpartage at gmail.com

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