[Ngo-admin] Fwd: Re-post advertisement

Bui Thi Kim Ngan administrator at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri May 18 10:15:26 BST 2012

Dear All,

Kindly circulate this job advertisement to those who are interested in.

Kind regards,


Bui Thi Kim Ngan
VUFO - NGO Resource Centre
La Thanh Hotel, 218 Doi Can
Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: +84 4 3832 8570
Mobile: +84 904 377 093
Email: administrator at ngocentre.org.vn
Web: http://www.ngocentre.org.vn/

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re-post advertisement
Date: 	Fri, 18 May 2012 12:10:43 +0800
From: 	<nhung.bui at ciai-world.it>
To: 	<administrator at ngocentre.org.vn>

Dear Sir/Madam,

CIAI Vietnam is looking for recruitment of Coordinator of CIAI>
Intercountry Adoption program based in Hanoi with field visits to the>
Provinces if requested.

Pls. help to re-post this announcement on the NGORC website or>
circulate it to whom it may concern.

The new deadline is no later than the June 12th, 2012.

Thank you very much for your kind attention and assistance.

All the best,
Bui Phuong Nhung

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