[Ngo-admin] External consultant for Drug utilization study in Vietnam

thuy nguyen phuong nguyenphuongthuy93 at gmail.com
Thu May 3 03:24:51 BST 2012

*Title:  *Technical* Expert*/Consultant for building up protocol and
technical assistance in medicine utilization study

*Reports to: *The DI&ADR Center and Project Coordinator

*Duty Station: *Several weeks in Vietnam and* *home based

*Expected Places of Travel (if applicable):  *Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City
and other cities in Vietnam if required

*Duration of Assignment: *From April *– *December 2012

*P**rovision of Support Services:*

*Office space*:

Yes (if consultants come to Vietnam)

*Secretarial Services/Technical support group:*

Yes (related to Vietnamese technical aspects)

Indicate here who will be responsible for providing the support services:

    *        I.                        **Background information*

General information

The Health System Strengthening Project funded by the Global Fund will be
implemented for 5 years (2012-2016). The first phase will be implemented
during 2012- 2013. The objective of the project is to support strengthening
the capacity of the health system to improve the outcomes of HIV/AIDS, TB
and Malaria prevention, the mother and children’s healthcare. The project
is managed by the MOH. The project covers 15 provinces: Ha Nam, Cao Bang,
Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Bac Giang, Thai Nguyen, Lai Chau, Dien Bien, Khanh
Hoa, Ninh Thuan, Binh Phuoc, Tay Ninh, Dong Thap, An Giang and Soc Trang;
Hanoi University of Pharmacy and Drugs Unit at sentinel provinces/cities;
National Institute of Drugs Quality Control (NIDQC), Ho Chi Minh city
Institute of Drugs Quality Control and 61 Centers at provincial level. Main
project activities include:

Major SR-HUP activities:

-          Act1. Provide technical support, equipments and database system
for National, Regional

-          &ADR Centers, PV technical units in 3 PHPs and sentinel
hospitals in PV system.

-          Act 2. Provide training courses on Pharmacovigilance for health
staff with several levels


-          Act 3. Develop a national guideline for drug safety, Good
Pharmacovigilance Practice, some protocols, SOPs and reporting forms… for
drug safety and drug information activities in Pharmacovigilance system.

-          Act4. Conduct Pharmacovigilance active surveillance in TB and
Malaria programs.

-          Act5. Develop and perform different tools of feedback
(individual feedback, quarterly feedback reports, alerts, quarterly
bulletins, performance review on Pharmacovigilance activities in PHPs,
annual scientific review and forum of Pharmacovigilance…).

-          Act 6. Conduct researches/studies on specific areas in

-          Act 7. Implement information and education campaign on

-          Act 8. Conducted a national advocacy program on the importance
and use of pharmacovigilance

The National Drug Information – Adverse Drug Reaction Centre of Viet Nam
(herein referred to as the National Centre) has been assigned to implement
these activities under Health System Strengthening Project – Intervention
2.1 – Establishing a national pharmacovigilance system.  One of the
specific activities under this project is a series of hands-on training for
healthcare professionals in the national pharmacovigilance system.

As part of the risk management and monitoring system, the National Centre
will conduct a baseline study on medicines utilization. The baseline study
will contribute to continuing evaluation of medicine use and to help the
health system manage risks, prevent adverse events and improve rational use
of medicines among healthcare professionals.

    *      II.                        **Objectives of Assignment*

The objectives of this assignment are:

a)      Develop the protocol and/or tool for the medicines utilization
study at the facility level;

b)      Develop the corresponding manuals and data collection forms for the

c)      Provide a framework for data input and analysis

d)      Provide initial training in the use of the protocol

e)      Provide assistance in the field testing of the protocol

f)       Supervision of the study including data collection, data entry,
analysis and writing report

    *    III.                        **Scope of work*

The Technical Expert/ Consultant shall work in consultation with the
Director/Vice Director of The National DI&ADR Center and the technical
working group, and under close supervision of the project Coordinator.

Specifically the scope of work shall include:

1. Develop a detailed protocol of a medicine utilization study which
includes at least following sections:

a.      Background: a.1. Data review (a summary of findings from similar
studies that potentially have clinical significance and from clinical
researches that are relevant to the study. a.2. Literature: Reference any
literature and other data that are relevant to the study and that provide
background for the study.

b.   Study design: type of the study

c.    Data collection: type of data, criteria of data,  sample size
calculation,, form of questionnaires to collect data, SOP for data
collection, toolkit of data quality assurance

d.   Methods: study parameters/endpoints (main and secondary endpoints)

e.   Study procedures

f.     Statistic analysis: statistic methods, statistic software

g.   Ethical and administrative aspects

2. Develop the study manuals/user guides

3. Provide training for the interviewers and data collectors and assessors

4. Provide technical assistance and guidance in the filed testing of the
assessment tools

5. Develop/provide a framework for data input and analysis

6. Provide technical assistance during study implementation, data
collection and

7. Provide technical assistance in data entry, data analysis and writing

    *    IV.                        **Expected Results / Deliverables /
Final Products Expected*

The consultant is expected to complete all work identified above within
eight (8) months from the date of commencement, inclusive of the conduct of
the study.

The expected deliverables include:

1.         Survey protocols

2.         Survey forms and data collection toolkits

3.         User manuals and standard operating procedures for quality

4.         Training materials for interviewers and data assessors

5.         Framework for data input and analysis

6.         Documents of supervision

The consultant will submit one electronic copy in MS Word format for each
of the deliverables.

    *VI.               **Remuneration and mode of payment*

     Review/approval time required to review/approve the outputs prior to
authorizing payments.

The consultant will submit one electronic copy in MS Word format with
following deliverables.



*Percentage of total*

*professional fee**

Upon signing of the contract



The final version of protocol, toolkit,  user guide manuals, data
collection forms and framework for database

30 May 2012


Initial training for users of the toolkit and filed testing

25 June 2012


Technical report for study supervision (data collection, data entry)

30 September 2012


Technical report for data analysis and writing report

30 November 2012



*VII.               **General requirements*

     Demonstrated solid experience on designing and developing study
protocol in medicine utilization

·   Excellent writing, communication and presentation skills in English

·   Proven track record of having worked with Pharmacovigilance (PV)
initiatives is an advantage

·   Self-motivated, ability to work independently

·   Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, team oriented work
style, interest and experience of working in high pressure environment.


Doctor of Medicine or Masters Degree or PhD holder in PV, public health,
epidemiology and drug safety and other relevant fields,

Other selection criteria:

1. Minimum 7 year experience in medicine utilization studies and health
research or other relevant fields

2. Publications in international/local journals.

3. Familiarity of developing country context and experience working in
international organizations and development partners will be an asset.

* *Remuneration:*  competitive (including transportation cost, living
allowances, individual income tax... Basic living allowances will be based
on UN post adjustment cost-norms)

 *Application:* Professional CV including an individual picture, Express of
interest letter, Draft technical proposal of the assignment

*Deadline:* 15/05/2012

*Contact information: *Applicant sends application (by post, fax or email)

Address: Global Fund Project – HSS - Intervention 2.1. Pharmacovigilance –
The National Drug information and Adverse drug reactions monitoring (DI&ADR
center) – 13 -15 Le Thanh Tong, Ha Noi, Vietnam

Phone: +84 439335618, Fax: +84 439335642 ; Email: pv.gf10 at gmail.com

Contact person: Nguyen Phuong Thuy (phone: + 84 949919993); Email:
nguyenphuongthuy93 at gmail.com

Nguyễn Phương Thúy
Vietnamese Drug Information & Adverse Drug Reactions monitoring Centre
Hanoi University of Pharmacy
3th floor GMP Building
13-15 Le Thanh Tong, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel +84 43 933 5618
Fax +84 43 933 5642
Mobile +84 949 919 993
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