[Ngo-sanrm] Policy Dialog: 19th December 2012

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Thu Dec 13 16:42:32 ICT 2012

Greetings to colleagues and friends,


IPSARD, CASRAD and VECO cordially request your presence at a Policy
Dialog/Workshop event:


'Food safety Management:  Production and Trade of small-scale vegetables



Morning of 19th December 2012



Venue:  Centre for Women and Development CWD Hotel, 20 Thuy Khue, Tay Ho,
Hanoi, Vietnam.


Kindly extend our invitation to other interested participants,


Thank you very much and we look forwards to welcome you soon!


Your sincerely


Organization Board


For further information about the Policy Advocacy on Food Safety project,
please visit its website at http://attp.ipsard.gov.vn



Nguyen Thi Mai Anh

Advocacy and Consumer Coordinator

VECO Vietnam

No.4, 249A Thuy Khue Compound,

Thuy Khue Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi
(+84-4) 6258-3640/41, ext. 23
 <http://www.veco.org.vn/> www.veco.org.vn

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