[Ngo-sanrm] Wall Street Crimes: In IN Monsanto vs. the Farmbelt, Food Supply, and Science

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri Jul 26 03:00:57 BST 2013

Indiana is the latest prominent state, of a series of states and 
nations, in which a farmer, in Knox County, was targeted, sued, and 
penalized by Monsanto, the agro-chemicals company. Monsanto is a leader 
of the pack of the commodities cartel wing of Wall Street/London 
international finance, whose crimes of bilking and looting have brought 
the world to life-or-death breakdown. 

Chuck Palazzo
Agent Orange Action Group
Hoa Binh Chapter, Veterans For Peace

chuck_pal at yahoo.com
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