[Ngo-sanrm] Genetically-modified Rice Trials in U.S. Contaminate World’s Rice Supply

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Tue Jul 9 08:50:33 ICT 2013

In English and Vietnamese.
Chuck P.
Chuck Palazzo
Agent Orange Action Group
Hoa Binh Chapter, Veterans For Peace

chuck_pal at yahoo.com

----- Forwarded Message -----
>From: Luong Tuan Hung <hunglt at edulink.com.vn>
>To: 'Chuck Searcy' <chuckusvn at gmail.com>; chuck_pal at yahoo.com 
>Cc: nvanh at care.org.vn 
>Sent: Monday, July 8, 2013 11:06 PM
>Subject: RE: Genetically-modified Rice Trials in U.S. Contaminate World’s Rice Supply
>Hi all,
>Please find the translated article below.
>I hope it meets your expectation. 
>Best Regards,
>Hung Luong (Mr.)
>Business Development Manager
>Education Link
>Add: 71 Tran Quoc Toan Street , Hoan Kiem Dist, Hanoi
>Tel: + 844.3 941 1859 - 3 941 1860
>Mobifone: 0983842606
>Fax: + 844.3 941 1859
>Email: hung.luong at edulink.com.vn
>Website: www.edulink.com.vn
>From:Chuck Searcy
[mailto:chuckusvn at gmail.com] 
>Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 3:32 PM
>To: chuck_pal at yahoo.com
>Cc: hunglt at edulink.com.vn; nvanh at care.org.vn
>Subject: RE: Genetically-modified Rice Trials in U.S. Contaminate
World’s Rice Supply
>Yes, should be translated and circulated widely.
 Should give serious concern to VN officials.  Remember when Japan
halted ALL rice imports from VN for one week because of   incorrect
suspicion that a shipment contained GMO contaminated rice?  That should
put the fear into everyone.
>Hung, can you do the translation this weekend?
>Sent from Samsung tablet
>Chuck Palazzo <chuck_pal at yahoo.com> wrote:
>candidate for translation?
is becoming extremely serious - and as the article points out, might very well
be too late.
>Chuck Palazzo
>Agent Orange Action Group
>Hoa Binh Chapter, Veterans For Peace
>chuck_pal at yahoo.com
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