[Ngo-sanrm] Biology Thesis about the biology of Agent Orange

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Tue Jul 2 09:14:28 ICT 2013

Dear Connie,

This is great work, you have set out to do.  Best of luck with your project and I will help you as best as I can. By the way, which University do you attend and what are your plans post-grad?

I am copying the people in Vietnam as well as internationally who, in my opinion, are the most knowledgeable about Agent Orange and its affects on the human body, genetics as well as the environment - and likely, biology of same.

I encourage this project, Connie - Vietnamese as well as my fellow Americans continue to die each day as a result of Agent Orange - and we are now well in to the 4th generation of this incredible nightmare.

Thanks and hope to see you soon.

Stay safe.

Hi Chuck!

I am working on my senior thesis for my undergrad (I am studying biology 
and applied math), and have decided to write about the biology of Agent 
Orange and social injustice of herbicidal warfare. This is my third time in Da Nang and I've met some incredible people on my trips, but I am 
trying to find a biologist who has studied the effects of Agent Orange 
in Da Nang. I work at the Red Cross orphanage, a social support center 
by the bus stop, and two of the centers for victims of Agent Orange and I have spent a bit of time at Peace Village in Tam Ky, but it has been 
difficult for me to get information from those placements. I have 
several questions about how the government declares that someone's 
disability stems from dioxin as well as what the protocol is for care 
once one has been stamped a victim of Agent Orange. I am also curious as to how many of the children effected are ill from exposure in their own lives (living in an area with a high concentration of dioxin in the 
soil) or whether their disability is genetic and comes from the base 
pair of their grandparents, etc. being mutated from high exposure. 

I'm working on my Vietnamese, but is not good yet! I would love to sit down an talk to you for a bit whenever you have the time. 

Thank you!

Chuck Palazzo
Agent Orange Action Group
Hoa Binh Chapter, Veterans For Peace

chuck_pal at yahoo.com
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