[Ngo-sanrm] Triple Your Donation and Help Sustainable Farming

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Tue Jun 11 15:25:51 BST 2013

Will you support sustainable food production?

Dear Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Mana,
You are what you eat, so you have a personal stake in creating a food system that
meets human needs for nutritious food without depleting soils, poisoning the environment,
or overusing freshwater resources. Just as important, you want to see hunger eased
and farmers earning a decent living, all without the destructive and wasteful practices
that contribute to climate change.

That's where the Worldwatch Institute comes in. We've demonstrated consistently 
that food sustainability and equity aren't just a matter of increasing supply, but
of shifting demand. Slashing food waste, reducing meat consumption, and finding 
ways to provide farmers with living wages can all help achieve sustainable food 
production. And we outline additional farmer-led innovations in our recent report,
Supporting Climate-Friendly Food Production.

As we continue our food and agriculture work, there are many other ambitious research
and field projects that we'd like to get off the ground-but we need your help [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XLVBxWTqRRuCam7dVP71Z35AbzkvZluOiAH7g5BiFtJDqjFj1WHMwfKAvgDXJnYb00kGgh1NfE9EH88JCMe6-pGmjraXdO29ECM53eCGkuoKdNwfQRBNuWCdfeMcmNuJDEKJOG518NA=].
Two generous donors, including the organic retailer MOM's Organic Market, have offered
to match your contributions dollar for dollar up to $45,000 this month. If you donate
today, every dollar you give will be matched with two additional dollars. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XLVBxWTqRRuCam7dVP71Z35AbzkvZluOiAH7g5BiFtJDqjFj1WHMwfKAvgDXJnYb00kGgh1NfE9EH88JCMe6-pGmjraXdO29ECM53eCGkuoKdNwfQRBNuWCdfeMcmNuJDEKJOG518NA=]

Please act today to help us work toward a sustainable, just and healthy global food

http://www.worldwatch.org/donate [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001XLVBxWTqRRuCam7dVP71Z35AbzkvZluOiAH7g5BiFtJDqjFj1WHMwfKAvgDXJnYb00kGgh1NfE9EH88JCMe6-pGmjraXdO29ECM53eCGkuoKdNwfQRBNuWCdfeMcmNuJDEKJOG518NA=]


Laura Reynolds and Sophie Wenzlau

Food and Agriculture Staff Researchers

Worldwatch Institute


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