[Ngo-sanrm] [VIN] A Vietnamese community bounces back with urban agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Tue Jun 25 03:15:01 ICT 2013

There is a critical point of the story that the newspaper mentioned only in
a word.   That is, the Vietnamese community in East New Orlean is 100%
Catholic.  It is a parish by itself, and everyone lives around the church.
It is a close-knit community, with strong unity.  That makes all things

In the corporate name Mary Queen of Vietnam  Development, Queen Mary is
mother of Jesus.


On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 3:59 AM, Thu Hương Phạm
<phamthuhuong1010 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Dear anh Chuck,
> I agree with you. The resilience of the Vietnamese is so strong. I feel
> glad when after disasters, now their life is developing and peaceful.
> Thank you for sharing.
> Have a good day anh Chuck and everyone,
> Em Hương,
> 2013/6/24 Chuck Searcy <chuckusvn at gmail.com>
>> This shows the resilience of the Vietnamese, and the community's ability
>> to adapt and embrace new and innovative agriculture (and aquaculture)
>> opportunities.  -- CHUCK
>> *============================
>> 71 Tran Quoc Toan, Hanoi, Vietnam
>> Mobile:      +84 (0) 903 420 769
>> Email:         chuckusvn at gmail.com
>> Skype:        chucksearcy
>> ============================*
>> http://grist.org/food/in-new-orleans-a-vietnamese-community-bounces-back-with-urban-agriculture/
>>  In New Orleans, a Vietnamese community bounces back with urban
>> agriculture
>> By Jared Green <http://grist.org/author/jared-green/>
>> Cross-posted from The Dirt<http://dirt.asla.org/2013/06/10/in-new-orleans-a-vietnamese-community-bounces-back-with-urban-agriculture/>
>> [image: vietfarmers]Mary Queen of Vietnam Development Corporation
>> In 1975, after the fall of Saigon, many of the Christian Vietnamese who
>> supported the U.S.-allied government in the south fled. Some ended up in
>> camps in the Midwestern U.S., at least until the Archdiocese of New Orleans
>> invited them to come to the Gulf of Mexico, where the climate was more like
>> what they were used to in Vietnam. Many of the Vietnamese were also
>> fisherman, so the Roman Catholic church thought they’d have a better chance
>> if they could pick up their old trade in Louisiana.
>> Now, almost 40 years later, there are 8,000 Vietnamese concentrated in a
>> one-mile radius in New Orleans East. The community of fisherman was hit
>> hard by Hurricane Katrina, and then the Deepwater Horizon debacle<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepwater_Horizon_oil_spill>, but
>> found ways to come together. At a recent EPA conference on repurposing
>> industrial areas, or brownfields<http://www.epa.gov/swerosps/bf/overview/glossary.htm>,
>> Tap Bui, a community organizer at the Mary Queen of Vietnam Community
>> Development Corporation <http://www.mqvncdc.org/>, discussed how this
>> unique community recovered with sustainable aquaponics.
>> New Orleans East has 60 percent of the land mass of New Orleans but only
>> 20 percent of its population. Before Katrina, there were high levels of
>> poverty and unemployment. As the community fled the storm in late August,
>> 2005, many residents wondered what they would come back to, Bui says. The
>> storm destroyed the community’s hospital and other basic services. Still,
>> by the end of October, more than 2,000 people had returned, and the
>> majority of residents eventually came back.
>> Meanwhile, implementing an “emergency master plan,” then-Mayor Ray Nagin
>> turned a green space near their community into a landfill. The debris from
>> damaged homes and commercial buildings across New Orleans had to be dumped
>> somewhere. But soon pesticides and other chemicals were being dumped there,
>> too, near a wetland and nature preserve. According to Bui, this spurred one
>> of the first “cross-racial” collaborations ever in New Orleans East, a mass
>> protest to shut down the landfill.
>> [image: Mary Queen of Vietnam community meeting]NOLAMary Queen of
>> Vietnam community meeting.
>> “We rallied outside city hall,” Bui says. The group also bused in
>> protestors to Baton Rouge, the state capitol. This was the first time “we
>> Vietnamese actually felt like real Americans,” she says. “Before, we had
>> just paid our taxes. Our community had become more engaged.”
>> Their efforts paid off: The landfill was closed, and more than 200,000
>> cubic yards of debris were removed. But still more needs to go. “The
>> landfill is slowly sinking into the ground. The dump site is affecting the
>> wetlands,” says Bui. Environmental remediation work is ongoing.
>> Then, Deepwater Horizon, the BP offshore oil spill, struck, which was a
>> fishing disaster. Bui says 40,000 Vietnamese work in the Gulf of Mexico,
>> and a third of those are in the seafood industry. Particularly for the
>> older Vietnamese, Bui says, it’s really a case of “I fish, therefore I am.”
>> More Vietnamese were suffering from depression and drinking too much.
>> In a sign of the truly resilient nature of the Vietnamese community in
>> New Orleans East, the community once again rallied. “We did power mapping
>> to determine how we were going to make BP pay for what they did to the
>> Gulf,” Bui says. The Vietnamese joined together once again with a broader
>> coalition of seafood industry groups to pressure the oil company. But while
>> the Gulf was being restored, the fishermen had to find new jobs,
>> immediately.
>> The development corporation found a trainer who could teach aquaculture,
>> the practice of raising fish on land. A two-day session brought up new ways
>> to create more sustainable systems. In a pilot phase, workshop attendees
>> tested out growing koi, bluefish, and catfish. Some then experimented with
>> “aquaponics,” which uses the waste from fish as fertilizer to grow produce.
>> [image: Mary Queen of Vietnam community aquaponics]USDA
>> Now, the VEGGI Farmer’s Cooperative <http://www.veggifarmcoop.com/>, a
>> massively scaled-up aquaponics operation for the community, sells fresh
>> produce to local restaurants and stores.
>> Amazingly, the fishermen who lost their livelihoods to the oil spill have
>> “supplemented 100 percent of their earlier incomes,” Bui says. Taking out
>> marketing and transportation costs, some “80 cents of each dollar goes back
>> to the cooperative members,” she says.
>> While there are a few aquaponics plots at around an acre, the group has
>> finally been able to purchase an eight-acre urban farm site. The farm<http://www.mqvncdc.org/page.php?id=18>,
>> which won an American Society of Landscape Architects<http://www.asla.org/awards/2008/08winners/411.html>award, is expected to be finished in the next few years, once they finish
>> raising the money needed.
>> *Jared Green is editor of The Dirt, the blog of the American Society of
>> Landscape Architects (ASLA). The Dirt covers news on the built and natural
>> environments.*
>>  --
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> --
> Phạm Thu Hương
>  --
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Tran Dinh Hoanh, Esq., LLB, JD
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