[Ngo-sanrm] Vietnam News Service -- Monsanto link, London to Vietnam

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon May 27 13:29:02 BST 2013


May, 27 2013 15:33:34

      *London joins world-wide protest against Monsanto *
   Peace campaigner Len Aldis showing his claim. — VNS Photo Ngan Binh

LONDON (VNS) — Saturday 25th May was an international day of action and
protest against the American company Monsanto for its involvement with GMO.
In London, 2,000 people gathered at Parliament Square joining with millions
in many countries around the world.

Amongst the prominent speaker was the international campaigner Bianca
Jagger who drew great applause for her attacks on Monsanto, speaker after
speaker added their support for the campaign that had taken part that day
in over 400 cities.

Posters showed the anger of the people for genetic modified food (GM).
Calls were made for people to check the ingredients of the food they
purchase and to protest strongly if they see GM on the packet.

Len Aldis another prominent peace campaigner was also present with his
poster that pointed out Monsanto role as the leading company that
manufactured the chemical Agent Orange of which 80 million litres were used
on Southern Vietnam over a period of ten causing the deaths of many
thousands and leaving millions more crippled. The photographs he showed
drew many questions from the people: "We did not know about this". "Is the
US paying compensation". "What can we do". Etc etc.

*Forwarded by*:

International Advisor, Project RENEW
Representative, Humpty Dumpty Institute (HDI)
Vice President, Veterans for Peace Chapter 160 (Hoa Binh)
U.S. Army enlisted 1966-69, Vietnam 1967-68
71 Tran Quoc Toan, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel:           +844 3943 8061                 Fax:       +844 3943 8062
Mobile:     +84 (0) 903 420 769        Skype:    chucksearcy
Email:        chuckusvn at gmail.com <chucksearcy at yahoo.com>*
<chucksearcy at yahoo.com>*======================================*
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