[Ngo-sanrm] FDA 'concern' over caffeinated food prompts investigation, still ignoring GMOs

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Thu May 2 07:04:07 BST 2013

The FDA's Deputy Commissioner for Foods, Michael Taylor, said that 
colas from the 1950s were the only items ever approved to have added 
caffeine by the FDA. The FDA has reportedly met with several large food 
companies such as Mars Inc. to discuss their concerns. 
"It is disturbing. We're concerned about whether they have been adequately evaluated," said Taylor.
Ironically, the main concern for most food safety advocates is genetically-modified foods (GMO), which Taylor has a long history of supporting.
Taylor was not only a lawyer who represented the GMO giant Monsanto, who are most known for producing such poisons as Agent Orange, but 
later became Monsanto's Vice President for Public Policy before being appointed to the USDA and later the FDA a second time under President Obama.
Despite the release of secret documents from the early 1990s showing the FDA's extreme concern over safety 
issues regarding GMOs initially, Taylor went on to help approve GMOs for human consumption while alleging their safety.

Chuck Palazzo
Agent Orange Action Group
Hoa Binh Chapter, Veterans For Peace

chuck_pal at yahoo.com
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