[Ngo-sanrm] Worldwatch 2013 Holiday Sale

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Wed Nov 20 22:11:02 ICT 2013


Dear Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Mana,

As a thank you for being a continued supporter of the Worldwatch Institute, we are
happy to announce our 2013 Holiday Sale. For the month of November, many of our 
recent publications will be half off. And if you buy any two books, you can get 
a complimentary copy of State of the World 2011: Innovations that Nourish the Planet.*

Click here to find out how you can get recent editions of our renowned State of 
the World, Vital Signs, and Worldwatch Reports for half the price! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001YcyqQM9NqKg6KXWXYRaXQjFxGI7kg08F5uFqPwy5yH2qgX8wUdH5zRZVwI6R5b0-3jzgk5ceEj84F7lR5PSGWkJzvCsB8ccdAHx_kSBUbAn3L8wYLSQz44gXvpTlDaxMjKlaQsUqU1I=]

Warm Regards,

Worldwatch Staff

* Shipping and handling fees will be applied to your total.

Please contact Supriya Kumar at skumar at worldwatch.org  [mailto:skumar at worldwatch.org]and
+1 (202) 745-8092, ext. 510 if you have any questions.


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