[Ngo-sanrm] Fwd: VOV online forum on policy recommendation for Agriculture sector restructuring

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri Sep 6 04:05:37 BST 2013

The below information is certainly of interest to all members of the SANRM WG.

Margrit Schlosser, Ph.D.
Postal address: IPO Box 46
6 Dinh Le, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel.: (+84 4) 372 645 87 
Mobile: 01287193442 
Email: margrit.schlosser at gmail.com

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Truong Quoc Can" <can at srd.org.vn>
> Subject: RE: Postponement of SANRM-WG meeting
> Date: 6. September 2013 09:56:51 GMT+07:00
> To: "'Eduardo'" <eduardo at veco.org.vn>, "'Phan Thu Ha'" <haphan at ngocentre.org.vn>, "'Margrit Schlosser'" <margrit.schlosser at gmail.com>, "'Chuck Searcy'" <chucksearcy at yahoo.com>, "'Jan Papendiech bread for the world'" <j.papendieck at brot-fuer-die-welt.de>, "'jon anderholm'" <xunbio at hotmail.com>, "'Nguyen Van Anh''" <nvanh at care.org.vn>, <thaopham at cgfed.org.vn>, "'Trinh Ngoc Thai'" <tnthai144 at yahoo.com>, "'Duong Minh Nguyet'" <nguyet.duongminh at actionaid.org>, "'Jonathon Guthrie'" <jonathong at npaid.org>, <hop at srd.org.vn>, <patrice at gret.org.vn>, "'Nguyen Phuong Nga'" <nga at srd.org.vn>, <pkngoc at cgfed.org.vng>, <maianh at veco.org.vn>
> Dear Eduardo and SRAMers
> As some of you may have been informed, VOV online is hosting a forum on Policy recommendation for Agr sector Restructuring. I found some interesting writings in there, few of the samples links bellow (it is, unfortunately, only available in Vietnam) and any one of us can also contribute ideas and recommendations with your writing posted.
> Have a nice day and enjoy reading/writings
> Can
> http://vov.vn/Dien-dan/Tai-co-cau-nong-nghiep-de-tra-no-nong-dan/276574.vov
> http://vov.vn/Kinh-te/Dung-mac-dong-phuc-mo-hinh-cho-phat-trien-nong-nghiep/276882.vov
> http://vov.vn/Kinh-te/Khong-tai-co-cau-nong-nghiep-theo-kieu-phong-trao/275655.vov
> http://vov.vn/Kinh-te/Lam-canh-dong-lien-ket-tro-thanh-nhu-cau-o-Dong-Thap/277494.vov
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Truong Quoc Can I Deputy Director
> Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) 
> (: (84-4) 39 43 66 78 ext: 219 (Office) | 84 (0) 979 711 997 (Mobile) | 7 : (84-4) 39 43 64 49 
> : : www.srd.org.vn | Email:can at srd.org.vn
> *: No 56, Lane 19/9 Kim Dong street, Hoang Mai district, Hanoi 
> Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 
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