[Ngo-sanrm] SANRM-WG meeting on 06 Sept 2013 9-11:30 AM at No. 4, 249A Thuy Khue Compound, Thuy Khue St., Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Wed Sep 4 13:50:58 BST 2013

Dear group leader,

I am one of participants of SANRM group, Last time I work in a organic cocoa in HELVETAS but ended now. I am interesting for your topic, learning forum on Organic farming in Viet Nam. I impossible to involve the discussion so please send me the result of this topic.

Thanks and regards,


 From: Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group <ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn>
To: sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group <ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 4, 2013 10:15 AM
Subject: [Ngo-sanrm] SANRM-WG meeting on 06 Sept 2013 9-11:30 AM at No. 4, 249A Thuy Khue Compound, Thuy Khue St., Tay Ho District, Hanoi, Vietnam


colleagues and Friends,

is to remind you of our WG meeting this Friday (06 Sept) at 9-11:30am. The preliminary list of agenda items are the following:
1.      Welcome remarks and introduction
2.      GMO Sub-group update
3.      Learning Forum on Organic Farming/Agriculture in Vietnam
4.      Sharing & exchange of relevant information by participants
5.      Next meeting
you have any proposed agenda items, please send them to Mr. Eduardo ASAP, copy to Thuha
Further infiormation, please contact current Group chairman Mr. Eduardo A. Sabio Ph.D.
Regional Representative in Vietnam
Vredeseilanden (VECO)
No. 4, 249A Thuy Khue Compound
Thuy Khue St., Tay Ho District
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84)4-6258-3640/41
Fax: (84)4-6258-3642
Mobile: +841652384119
Email: eduardo at veco.org.vn

Phan Thu Ha
Senior Working Groups Coordinator
NGO Resource Centre
218 Doi Can, Hanoi - La Thanh Hotel
Tel: +84 4 8328570  Fax: +84 4 8328611
Mobile: 0912174879
Email: haphan at ngocentre.org.vn web: http://www.ngocentre.org.vn 

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