[Ngo-sanrm] Why Bill Gates's high-tech 'solutions' are misguided

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Wed Dec 24 08:28:51 GMT 2014

*Copy of article from Seattle Times
After 10 years, few payoffs from Gates "Grand Challenges"
*Despite an investment of $1 billion, none of the projects funded under the
Gates Foundation's "Grand Challenges" banner has made a significant
contribution to saving lives and improving health in the developing world*

The article here
beautifully sums up why Bill Gates's high-tech 'solutions' to developing
world problems, including GM enhanced-nutrition crops, are misguided and
mostly serve to divert funding from proven successful approaches.
*Co-Chair,  Agent Orange Working Group*

*M    +8 490 342 0769*

*E     chuckusvn at gmail.com <chuckusvn at gmail.com>*

*Sk   chucksearcy*
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