[Ngo-sanrm] The Monsanto-Permaculture Alliance: Committed To Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Sat Jan 11 21:47:42 ICT 2014


I was going back and cleaning up some old e-mails and found this one which
I had not read previously:

*The Monsanto-Permaculture Alliance: Committed To Sustainable Agriculture * The
Monsanto-Permaculture Alliance: Committed To Sustainable Agriculture
  Tuesday, 06 August 2013 18:01  Bob Banner

Jill Cloutier

It took me a couple of paragraphs and then that astonishing list starting
with Wendell Berry and Vandana Shiva to realize this was was a hoax -- or a
satire, as the author says.  Right, Monsanto adopting sustainable
agriculture? In our dreams.

However, the author should be careful because if pieces like this are not
clearly indicated as satirical they might be taken seriously in some

Thanks for sending.



*71 Tran Quoc Toan, Hanoi*

*M    +8 490 342 0769*

*E     chuckusvn at gmail.com <chuckusvn at gmail.com>*

*Sk   chucksearcy*

On Fri, Aug 9, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Sustainable Agriculture and Natural
Resources Management Working Group <ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn> wrote:

> Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing:
> http://hopedance.org/home/food-news/2640-jill-cloutier
> ===============================
> Chuck Palazzo
> Agent Orange Action Group
> http://aoag.org/
> Hoa Binh Chapter, Veterans For Peace
> http://vfp-vn.ning.com/
> chuck_pal at yahoo.com
> ================================
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