[Ngo-sanrm] Australian GM Farmer Wins Landmark Case

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Wed Jun 11 18:48:55 ICT 2014

This is a rather interesting, and troubling, legal outcome in Australia.
The judge ruled that the *organic* farmer may not sue his neighbor growing
GMO crops, who contaminated the organic farmer's fields, because "winds
blowing" the GMO contamination had not been an "outcome intended" by the GM

Yet in other countries Monsanto *has successfully sued farmers* whose
fields were contaminated by GM seeds blown in from neighbors farms, for
"illegally" growing GM crops when they had not paid for the seeds!

Looks like the GM0 corporate structure has judiciaries doing their bidding


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*Australian GM Farmer Wins Landmark Case

Michael Baxter, a farmer accused of contaminating his neighbor's crops with
genetically modified (GM) canola
has won a landmark case in the West Australian Supreme Court. Baxter was
sued by his neighbor Steve Marsh, an organic certified farmer who alleged
that his farm in the Great Southern region was contaminated by GM material
blown onto his property from Baxter's land.

Marsh claimed that the contamination caused him to lose his organic
certification on more than half his property in Kojonup, south of Perth,
for almost three years. But Justice Kenneth Martin said Mr. Baxter could
not be held responsible just for growing a GM crop
in a conventional
way. Justice Martin added in his judgment summary that the ends of season
winds and the blowing of swathes from Sevenoaks eastwards into Eagle Rest
had not been an outcome intended by Mr. Baxter and that he was not to be
held responsible as a broadacre farmer merely for growing a lawful GM crop
and choosing to adopt a harvest methodology (swathing) which was entirely
orthodox in its implementation.

For more details, read the news release from the Agricultural Biotechnology
Council of Australia:
The verdict can be found here: http://www.supremecourt.wa.gov.au/

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