[Ngo-sanrm] FW: [ge_free_asia] Fwd: GMW: Bangladesh Bt brinjal farmers demand compensation

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Wed Sep 3 04:03:55 BST 2014

Ok, Ha


Nguyen Thi Hoa I Deputy Director

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From: Phan Thu Ha [mailto:haphan at ngocentre.org.vn] 
Sent: Wednesday, 3 September, 2014 9:36 AM
To: Nguyen Thi Hoa; Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management
Working Group
Subject: Re: FW: [ge_free_asia] Fwd: GMW: Bangladesh Bt brinjal farmers
demand compensation


Dear chi oi,

May ngay nghi chi di choi dau khong? hope you can enjoy your time much!
Chi oi may thu sharing information nay chi co the gui truc tiep den nhom.
dia chi email cua nhom la: ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
chi khong phai gui qua em dau a.

See you soon,

On 09/02/2014 06:56 AM, Nguyen Thi Hoa wrote: 

Cai nay nua nhe



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Subject: GMW: Bangladesh Bt brinjal farmers demand compensation

Date: September 1, 2014 6:13:00 PM GMT+08:00

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Bangladesh Bt brinjal farmers demand compensation

Farmers say they were "fooled" and used as "guinea pigs" for failed crop


Farmers in Bangladesh who were given Bt brinjal plants have demanded
compensation for huge losses they incurred cultivating the GM crop.

British pro-GMO campaigner Mark Lynas had
&id=9aded571d3&e=871db4c2ee> presented the Bt brinjal as a success, claiming
that reports about its failure were false "scare stories" put about by
anti-GMO activists.

However, an investigation by The Guardian newspaper (UK)
&id=81b0fcbf4f&e=871db4c2ee> confirmed the widespread failure of the crop.

EXCERPT: [Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association] chief executive
Syeda Rizwana Hasan said they would go to court if the government did not
compensate the farmers. Demanding Bt brinjal cultivation to be stopped, she
said that the government was adamant to cultivate the controversial crop
despite public outcry and failure in its field level cultivation.

Bt brinjal farmers demand compensation

Staff Correspondent
New Age (Bangladesh), September 1, 2014

Farmers, who were given Bt brinjal saplings, on Sunday demanded compensation
for huge losses they incurred cultivating the genetically modified crop.

At a press conference at Dhaka Reporters' Unity, they alleged that they were
'fooled' and used as 'guinea pig' for the cultivation of the genetically
modified Bt brinjal by the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, but
they were not compensated for the losses.
The institute, under an USAID project, released Bt brinjal owned by US seed
giant Monsanto and its Indian affiliate Mahyco, saying that it was a
high-yielding variety of brinjal resistant to fruit and shoot borer.

The agriculture minister, Matia Chowdhury, on January 22, handed over the Bt
brinjal saplings to 20 farmers in Gazipur, Jamalpur, Sherpur, Rangpur and
Pabna for cultivation.
Only one of the 20 Bt brinjal fields succeeded, while 13 were fully and the
rest six were partially damaged, the organisers of the press conference

Bt brinjal farmers from Gazipur, Jamalpur and Sherpur attended the press
conference, while the organisers alleged that other farmers from Rangpur and
Pabna were barred from attending the press conference by the institute
officials and ruling party men.

Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, Unnayan Bikalper
Nitinirdharoni Gobeshona (UBINIG), Consumers Association of Bangladesh,
Bangladesh Organic Product Manufacturers Association, Bangladesh Fruits,
Vegetables and Allied Products Exporters Association and seven other
organisations organised the press conference in association with UKAID and
British Council.

The farmers said that their fields were damaged although they followed all
the instructions of the institute.

They asked all the farmers of the country not to cultivate Bt brinjal any
more and said they would protest against any government move to further
release of Bt brinjal saplings.
Shahjahan from Sherpur said that cultivation of vegetables, mostly brinjal,
was the only means of his livelihood and he became helpless cultivating Bt
brinjal being fooled by the institute.

Abdul Baten from Gazipur said that he was allured by the institute to
cultivate Bt brinjal.

'I have invested Tk 50,000 in bt brinjal cultivation and got no return,' he
said, adding that the institute paid him Tk 8,000 in two instalments.

Mujibur Rahman from Gazipur said that institution officials asked them not
to disclose the loss in Bt brinjal cultivation before journalists.

Babul Khan from Jamalpur said, 'We expect the government to stop Bt brinjal
cultivation as farmers would concede huge loss.'

BELA [Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association] chief executive Syeda
Rizwana Hasan said they would go to court if the government did not
compensate the farmers.

Demanding Bt brinjal cultivation to be stopped, she said that the government
was adamant to cultivate the controversial crop despite public outcry and
failure in its field level cultivation.

'The government has appeared as a service provider of Monsanto and Mahyco.
The companies have failed to release Bt brinjal in India and the Philippines
but the government is using political influence to release it among poor
farmers in our country,' Rizwana said.

UBINIG executive director Farida Akter apprehended that the corporate
companies were creating way for genetically modified rice and other crops in
Bangladesh through Bt brinjal.

Ecology and biodiversity conservation researcher Pavel Partha said that the
government and the companies were using propaganda about Bt brinjal, its
property rights and risks in health and biodiversity.

Bangladesh Fruits, Vegetables and Allied Products Exporters Association
adviser Monjurul Islam said that the government was shrinking the market of
Bangladeshi vegetables in Europe through cultivation of genetically modified

Bangladesh is the first country to cultivate the Bt brinjal although it has
been barred from India and the Philippines because of risks for both human
and nature.


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Phan Thu Ha
Senior Working Groups Coordinator
NGO Resource Centre
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Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, Building E3, Room 201
6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi
Mobile: 0912174879
Email: haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
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