[Ngo-sanrm] Monsanto Vietnam: Engaging Youth to Power Up Sustainable Agriculture Development

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Thu Feb 19 15:34:48 GMT 2015

This is just incredible. Monsanto, the same company who poisoned the Vietnamese with Agent Orange they supplied to the US Military, have been back in Vietnam for several years now - trying to brainwash the various ministries as well as the youth here that they are supportive of sustainable agriculture. They make and sell GMO folks, with some of the same components as were used in Agent Orange. How many millions of Vietnamese have been killed or maimed as a result of Monsanto's poison? Millions! And the devastation continues. Monsanto has NEVER paid a single VND or dollar or anything at all for the victims here. Nada! But you won't find anything referencing any of this here - this propaganda was taken from the Monsanto website. 
The brainwashing of the Vietnamese youth...by an American multinational.

Monsanto Vietnam Engages Youth for Sustainable Agriculture | Beyond the Rows

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| Monsanto Vietnam Engages Youth for Sustainable Agricul...Monsanto Vietnam is reaching out to the country's youth to support and enhance sustainable agriculture in the country. |
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| View on monsantoblog.com | Preview by Yahoo |
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Chuck Palazzo
Agent Orange Action Group
Chapter 160, Hoa Binh, Veterans For Peace

chuck_pal at yahoo.com
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