[Ngo-sanrm] China's Ministry of Agriculture Accused of Colluding with Monsanto Over Glyphosate & GMOs

Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources Management Working Group ngo-sanrm at ngocentre.org.vn
Tue Jun 16 06:21:42 ICT 2015

This is how it works.  Monsanto ALWAYS bribes top government officials in ALL countries, to ensure they are allowed safe entry into said governments and countries - and then they convince the people of their collective lies regarding GMO (as they did with Agent Orange).

China's Ministry of Agriculture Accused of Colluding with Monsanto Over Glyphosate & GMOs

China's Ministry of Agriculture Accused of Colluding with Monsanto Over Glyphosate & GMOs

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| China's Ministry of Agriculture Accused of Colluding wit...China's Ministry of Agriculture accused of allowing Monsanto's glyphosate-tolerant soybean and maize to flood the Chinese market without safety tests, c... |
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Chuck Palazzo
Agent Orange Action Group
Chapter 160, Hoa Binh, Veterans For Peace

chuck_pal at yahoo.com
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