[Ngo Climate Change] FW: [CAN-talk] REMINDER: Call for CAN Leadership Development Program 2012 - deadline extended

Ha Thi Quynh Nga nga.htq at care.org.vn
Tue Sep 18 11:54:17 ICT 2012

Dear all,


Pls refer to the message below for interesting opportunity with Climate
Action Network - International Leadership Development Program 2012.
Application deadline is extended to 21st Sept 2012. You're free to share
this among your network. 


Best regards, 


Ha Thi Quynh Nga (Ms.)

Climate Change Working Group/Disaster Management Working Group Coordinator

Tel:      +84 4 37161930 (Ext: 301)

Fax:     +84 4 37161935

Mob:   +84 (0) 983573009

Email:    <mailto:chau.tc at care.org.vn> nga.htq at care.org.vn

Skype:  ha.quynh.nga


From: can-talk-bounces at listi.jpberlin.de
[mailto:can-talk-bounces at listi.jpberlin.de] On Behalf Of Raju Chhetri
Sent: 17 September 2012 11:09
To: CAN-Talk
Subject: [CAN-talk] REMINDER: Call for CAN Leadership Development Program
2012 - deadline extended


This is a REMINDER for the CAN Leadership Deveopment Program 2012
application call. The deadline has been extended to 21st September 2012,
Friday (GMT 12:00pm).

Please forward this to those who may have missed it earlier.


Attachment and the mail below provides the detail.


Thank You.

Raju Pandit Chhetri
Programme Coordinator - CB
Climate Action Network - International

email: raju at climatenetwork.org

skype: nepaliraju
www.climatenetwork.org <http://www.climatenetwork.org/> 


Begin forwarded message:


From: Raju Chhetri <raju at climatenetwork.org>

Date: August 22, 2012 4:03:11 PM GMT+05:45

To: Raju Chhetri <raju at climatenetwork.org>



Dear CAN Members


Climate Action Network - International is organizing a Leadership
Development Program aimed at developing CAN leaders in CAN nodes especially
from developing countries. Hence, CAN International calls for applications
from CAN members by  Monday, 17 September 2012 (GMT 12:00pm) to
<mailto:participation at climatenetwork.org> participation at climatenetwork.org.
Successful applicants will be notified by Friday 19th October 2012.


Fellows selected for the leadership program will be undergoing one-year
program that includes attending the UNFCCC sessions, participating in
workshops, and undergoing trainings. They will also implement a work plan
within their own nodes during the program period. 


Please read the attached form (especially Terms of Application and Criteria
for Selection) carefully before applying. Also consider the following

 1.     Application form must be duly filled in and the additional
attachments provided as requested. Incomplete form will not be considered.

2.     Mark you application file name with your first name and include your
name and county in the email subject line.

3.    Send in your application to  <mailto:participation at climatenetwork.org>
participation at climatenetwork.org by  Monday, 17 September 2012 (GMT 12:00pm)

4.  Forms must be filled in English 

5.    Southern nodes under-represented in the UNFCCC negotiations are highly
encouraged to apply.


CAN International looks forward to working with you. Please forward this to
CAN members in your region.

For additional information please contact Raju Pandit Chhetri at
raju at climatenetwork.org .

Thank you 


Raju Pandit Chhetri

CB Program Coordinator

CAN International


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