[Ngo Climate Change] MONRE-UNDP: Biodiversity Day Photo and Logo contest launch

Nastassja Hoffet nastassja.hoffet at undp.org
Mon Apr 8 11:01:05 ICT 2013

Dear colleagues and Friends, open to your participation,

Photo and logo design Contest on Biodiversity in Viet Nam
The General Department of Environment the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), recently launched a photo and logo design contest on the theme "Biodiversity in Viet Nam". The contest is the flagship activity of a series held in Viet Nam to mark the International Day for Biological Diversity, 22 May. These activities, which are supported by the GEF-UNDP Protected Areas (PA) and National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)projects, seek to strengthen the link between biodiversity conservation activities in Viet Nam and international biodiversity conservation efforts. The contest is an opportunity for talented photographers and designers to celebrate the beauty of nature through art work, showcasing the abundance of animal and plant species, and ecosystems in Viet Nam's national parks and protected areas. Entries are also expected to reflect biodiversity management and conservation activities by natural protection organizations and individuals and illustrate the interaction between man and nature, the harmony with nature and the community participation in biodiversity conservation. The entries will be used by MONRE as communication materials on biodiversity, nature protection and environment for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).

The contest is open to amateur and professional photographers and designers throughout Viet Nam. The deadline for entries is by April 30th 2013.
 Please send in your entries to:
The Secretariat of Photo and logo design contest on "Biodiversity in Viet Nam",
Center for Training and Communications Environment.
Address: 556 Nguyen Van Cu, Long Bien, Hanoi.
Phone: 04.22415275;
Fax: 04.38727425.
Email: amvangxanh at gmail.com<mailto:amvangxanh at gmail.com>
Biodiversity Conservation Agency,
10 Ton That Thuyet, Hanoi.
Tel: 043.7956868 (Ext. 3113)
PA project office,
8 Ton That Thuyet,
Hanoi. Tel: 043.9413308
www.vea.gov.vn<http://www.vea.gov.vn/> .

Outstanding works will be awarded First, Second, Third prizes and some other forms of reward with a total prize value of 100 million VND. Awards to the winners will be presented during the official celebrations of International Biodiversity Day on 22 May 2013 in Ha Noi Botanical Park. The event will start at 7:00 am with music performance. It is expected to have more than 400 attendees, including government officials, UN staff, sponsors, civil society representatives and students. The celebrations will be followed by a workshop on biodiversity policy and financing initiatives at the venue from 9:30am to 12am. The winning works will be exhibited during the event.
The winning works will then be displayed at the main hall of MONRE. The winning photos will also be exhibited during other public events to be held by MONRE to mark the World Environment Day on 5 June in Thua Thien Hue province and the "Make the World Cleaner" campaign from 13-15 September in Lam Dong province.
Find more details on the "Biodiversity in Viet Nam photo and logo design Contest" http://bit.ly/11PCC80


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Nastassja Hoffet

UNV Sustainable Development and Environment

United Nations
Development Programme

25 - 29 Phan Boi Chau, Ha Noi
Tel: (+84 4) 3942 1495 ext.107
nastassja.hoffet at undp.org<mailto:phan.huy.truong at undp.org>

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