[Ngo Climate Change] Job advert for 350.org East Asia Coordinator

Hong 350.org hong at 350.org
Wed Aug 21 18:14:48 BST 2013

Dear NGO Climate Change Group admin,

Please help us post this job advert.

Thank you very much.


Hong Hoang | 350.org Southeast Asia Co-Coordinator | hong at 350.org | (84)
903 403 686 | skype: hongwwf | www.350.org | http://globalpowershift.org |

*350.org is building a global grassroots movement to solve the climate
crisis.* Our online campaigns, grassroots organizing, and mass public
actions are led from the bottom up by thousands of volunteer organizers in
over 188 countries. You can join 350.org on Facebook by becoming a fan of
our page at facebook.com/350org   <http://facebook.com/350org>and follow us
on twitter by visiting twitter.com/350. If you are in Vietnam, you can
connect with thousands of 350 friends in the country by becoming a fan of
facebook.com/vietnam350. To join our list (maybe a friend forwarded you
this e-mail) visit www.350.org/signup. To support our work, donate securely
online at 350.org/donate.
What is 350? *350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe
upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Scientists measure carbon
dioxide in "parts per million" (ppm), so 350ppm is the number humanity
needs to get below as soon as possible to avoid runaway climate change. To
get there, we need a different kind of PPM–a "people powered movement" that
is made of people like you in every corner of the planet.
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