[Ngo Climate Change] Gentle Reminder for the Survey on Loss and Damage from Climate change

Tao VANDANG tao.vandang at ifrc.org
Tue Jul 30 10:29:11 BST 2013

Dear colleagues

Please spend time for this questionnaire

Thank you


Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

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Dang Van Tao
Programme Manager, Disaster Risk Reduction
Vietnam Country Office

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
8th floor, 59 Quang Trung Street | Hanoi | Vietnam
Tel. +844 39 422 980  | Mob. +84 913 361 581 | Fax +844 39 422 987
Email tao.vandang at ifrc.org<mailto:reda.sadki at ifrc.org> | Skype dvtao04

Saving lives, changing minds.
Find out more on www.ifrc.org<http://www.ifrc.org/>

[cid:image002.jpg at 01CE8D40.AF258C60]<http://thevolunteerinside.org/>

From: asiapacificadapts-bounces at listserv.ait.ac.th [mailto:asiapacificadapts-bounces at listserv.ait.ac.th] On Behalf Of asiapacificadapts at listserv.ait.ac.th
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 12:42 PM
To: asiapacificadapts at ait.ac.th
Subject: [Asiapacificadapts] Gentle Reminder for the Survey on Loss and Damage

Dear Climate Change Adaptation Stakeholders,

APAN would like to obtain your opinions on Loss and Damage from the Asia-Pacific region to consider future activities on Loss and Damage under APAN. It would be appreciated if you could take 10-15 minutes to fill in the attached questionnaire and email it back tosurvey_ad at iges.or.jp<mailto:survey_ad at iges.or.jp> or fill it online https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/G38XJXH.  The end date of this survey is 4th August. All the opinions expressed in this questionnaire will be dealt as opinions of individuals and will not be attributed to their affiliated institutions.

Thank you in advance for your time and feedback.


URL : www.asiapacificadapt.n<http://asiapacificadapt.net/>et<http://asiapacificadapt.net/>
Email : info at asiapacificadapt.net<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&[email protected]>

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