[Ngo Climate Change] Pre-COP19 Climate Change Communication Workshop

Ha Thi Quynh Nga nga.htq at care.org.vn
Tue Oct 8 07:52:14 BST 2013

Dear colleagues, 
The Climate Change Working Group (Awareness & Behavior Change sub-group -
CCWG) in collaboration a group of organisations from the government and
international development agencies including BBC Media Action, Live and
Learn, NISTPASS and Winrock International are planning to organize a climate
communication forum on 7 Nov 2013. The event will be an activity from
Vietnam to join the global momentum prior to the 19th session of the
Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the UNFCCC in Warsaw Poland from 11-22
The forum will bring together government agencies, donors, NGOs and the
media to:  
*         Share the current picture of climate communication in Vietnam and
understand the needs to improve this work
*         Increase understanding of target audiences and put this knowledge
into designing climate communication 
*         Identify the best audience-based practices in communicating about
climate change. 
More details of and invitation to the Forum will be shared to you at a later
CC communication material exhibition 
There will be an exhibition as part of the forum to showcase climate change
communication products. If your organisation/project has any materials
produced to communicate about climate change, please share with us to
feature in the exhibition. We would like to use this opportunity to collect
available relevant CC communication products and to keep them centrally for
future reference for all. 
Please email to Mr. Le Duy Anh (communications.vn at livelearn.org) if you have
materials to showcase, we will contact you to follow-up. 
Highlighting best practices in CC communication 
We are also looking for agencies to share good practices in communicating
climate change to specific target audience groups. 
*         General Public 
*         Youth/children
*         Community
*         Government Officials 
*         Organisation/group to further communicate about CC (i.e.
*         Business 
This will require a short five-minute presentation and co-facilitate group
discussion. Please let Ms. Nguyen Hoang Yen (yen.nguyen at bbcmediaaction.org)
know if your agency would like to share experience, we will contact you to
Thank you and hope to hear from you. 
Best regards, 
Ha Thi Quynh Nga (Ms.)
Climate Change Working Group/Disaster Management Working Group Coordinator
92 To Ngoc Van Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi
Tel:      +84 4 37161930 (Ext: 305)
Fax:     +84 4 37161935
Mob:   +84 (0) 983573009
Email:  nga.htq at care.org.vn
Skype:  ha.quynh.nga
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