[Ngo Climate Change] Training of Trainers (ToT) on "Improving Grassroots Equity in Forest and Climate Change" for Grassroots Facilitators

Etienne Delattre etienne.delattre at recoftc.org
Wed Sep 4 12:01:53 BST 2013

RECOFTC - The Center for People and Forests, is pleased to inform that its
newest regional level *Training of Trainers *on *"Improving Grassroots
Equity in Forest and Climate Change" for Grassroots Facilitators* is now
ready for delivery. Under a joint initiative funded by USAID-GREEN Mekong
Program and NORAD-Grassroots Capacity Building for REDD+ Project, it has
developed the set of training materials that will be used in this regional
training for civil society/social organizations (*CSOs*), scheduled to take
place at RECOFTC Hqrs. *in Bangkok, Thailand, on 14-18 October 2013*.

GREEN Mekong is now inviting* up to five (5) national or local civil
society/social organizations per Mekong country* (i.e., Cambodia, Lao PDR,
Myanmar, Thailand and *Vietnam*) to send one representative each to
participate and benefit from the training curriculum. GREEN Mekong is able
to finance all scheduled costs related to each nominee's participation in
the 5-days training, including travelling, lodging and boarding.

Follow the link
 for the flyer announcing and presenting the training, in particular the
section "*Who should join*" that sets the recommended criteria for
registration and participation. Ideally, GREEN Mekong expects the presence
and participation of a Training Officer, Grassroots Facilitator, Adult
Education Officer or any other staff directly involved in grassroots
stakeholders engagement and empowerment, particularly in the contexts of
forest co-management and forest-based climate change mitigation.

RECOFTC requires application for a training slot to be made *before 20
September 2013*, as indicated in the flyer. Be aware that the number of
participants is limited to *five per country*. Any inquiries at
green.mekong at recoftc.org.

Best regards,

*Etienne DELATTRE*
*Chief of Party (COP)
USAID/GREEN Mekong Program*
*Grassroots Equity and Enhanced Networks in the Mekong*

*RECOFTC – The Center for People and Forests*
P.O. Box 1111, Kasetsart Post Office, Bangkok 10903 Thailand
Tel: +66 (0)2 940 5700 Ext. 4122
Email: etienne.delattre at recoftc.org <jim.stephenson at recoftc.org>
Skype: etiennedelattre
Website: www.recoftc.org
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