[Ngo Climate Change] International course on climate change adaptation in agricultural and natural resource management

Lent, Manon van manon.vanlent at wur.nl
Tue Apr 1 10:50:28 BST 2014

Climate change adaptation in agriculture and natural resource management (Fellowship opportunity)

Without appropriate responses, climate change is likely to constrain economic development and poverty reduction efforts. But if you plan for it, adaptation to climate change is possible. Well-designed strategies, based on climate-smart approaches, can offer ways out.

Integrating climate change in sustainable development
Become involved with climate-smart strategies

Climate change is 'hot' in public and political debate, but triggers little reaction from policymakers. While climate change negotiations take place in the international arena, there is often limited knowledge and understanding of climate change and its implications at the local level.

Going beyond the science of climate change adaptation, the focus of this course is the translation of the policy documents and research into climate-smart adaptation strategies. Participants with an interest to take climate change adaptation further than the paper these policies are written on, are encouraged to apply. The training approach is interactive, with plenary and group work, study assignments, case studies, role-plays and fieldwork. Participants will be able to effectively and meaningfully contribute to the debate on climate change adaptation, either in policy processes or in research; to fuel the debate or to implement climate-smart policies.

Course objectives

Upon completion of the course you will:
*         have a better understanding of climate change, its causes, risks and implications for food security, agriculture and natural resource management;
*         know concepts for adaptation and mitigation;
*         understand climate-smart agriculture and natural resource management;
*         be familiar with vulnerability assessment, coping strategies and sustainable development processes;
*         understand competing claims, indigenous knowledge, conflict management and advocacy in climate change;
*         be able to integrate climate change issues into existing policy processes and rural development strategies.

Target audience

Applicants should have a relevant tertiary education, and at least three years of professional experience in a relevant field like policy development in agriculture, natural resource management or sustainable development. Competence in the English language is required.

Practical information:

Date: 2 - 13 February 2015
Deadline: 22 December 2014
NFP deadline: 06 May 2014

Website: click here<http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/centre-for-development-innovation/short-courses/show/cdicourse_climate_change_adaptation_2015.htm>
More information: c<http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/centre-for-development-innovation/short-courses/Shortcourse_factsheets/rights_based_approach.htm>lick here<http://www.wageningenur.nl/en/Expertise-Services/Research-Institutes/centre-for-development-innovation/short-courses/Shortcourse_factsheets/climate_change_adaptation.htm>

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