[Ngo Climate Change] Gentle Reminder for Tomorrow's ADB Web Chat on Gender and Climate Finance

lsorkin at adb.org lsorkin at adb.org
Tue Mar 25 04:50:33 GMT 2014

Colleagues -- Please start your day with us tomorrow! 7:30am to 9am Hanoi 
time. 'Chat' soon, Lauren

Lauren N. Sorkin
Country Specialist 
Viet Nam Resident Mission
Asian Development Bank
+84 439 331 374

ADB Web Chat on Gender and Climate Finance

The Asian Development Bank invites members of the climate and development 
community to participate in a web chat on gender and climate finance at 
8:30pm on 25 March in North America EST (-5 GMT) / 12:30am on 26 March GMT 
/ 8:30am on 26 March in Manila:

This web chat is organized in the context of ADB's regional technical 
assistance program 'Harnessing Climate Change Mitigation Initiatives to 
Benefit Women' in Viet Nam, Cambodia and Lao PDR which aims to mainstream 
gender into mitigation policies, develop national and local actors' 
capacity to access finance and develop inclusive mitigation action, and 
supports the implementation of 3 gender-responsive pilot projects in the 
For more information on the RETA, please visit: 

Please take the opportunity to share lessons learned and challenges faced 
in the process of accessing finance for effective, efficient and equitable 
mitigation action and to discuss recent developments in the climate 
finance landscape (including the GCF).
A transcript of the chat will be made available.

Share your views in advance and send your questions by email or through 
Facebook or Twitter.

Women play a front line role in managing energy, waste, and water 
resources and are uniquely positioned to contribute in the fight against 
climate change. Yet new research funded by the Asian Development Bank 
shows women are rarely considered in the disbursal of multi-million dollar 
global climate funds. In a changing climate finance landscape, how can we 
help women gain better access to finance and national institutions deliver 
it in a more effective, efficient and inclusive way? How can the Green 
Climate Fund and other sources of climate financing reach more women and 
help harness their potential to be agents of change for effective 
mitigation initiatives?

Invitation and Special Guests
Join ADB Social Development Specialist Linda Adams, Viet Nam Country 
Specialist Lauren Sorkin and Climate Finance and Gender Specialist Liane 
Schalatek of the Heinrich Boell Foundation (tbc) for a discussion on 
promoting climate finance for mitigation measures that benefit women on 26 
March 8:30am Manila time/12:30am GMT/8:30pm on 25 March North American EST 
(1,5 hours).


Please direct any organizational questions to Natalie Harms (
nharms at adb.org) or Karen Palmer (kpalmer at adb.org). To submit questions to 
be discussed in the chat, please send an email to: chat at adb.org or send us 
a Facebook or Twitter message.

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