[Ngo Climate Change] Oxfam in Laos is looking a consultant for conducting assessment and design a project proposal on DRR/Building Resilience

Provash Mondal pmo at oxfamsol.be
Wed Nov 12 03:01:10 GMT 2014

Dear all,


Oxfam in Laos is looking a consultant for conducting an assessment and
designing a project proposal on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)/Building
Resilience. Attached an advertisement and  a detailed ToR for further
information. Please circulate this email where applicable.


Greetings and love from Vientiane, Laos.


With regards





PROVASH MONDAL | Humanitarian Coordinator
Oxfam | Vientiane | LAO PDR | M: +856 20 52850574 | Skype: provashmondal

 <http://www.oxfam.org/laos> http://www.oxfam.org/laos


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