[Ngo Climate Change] [physics] Fwd: Call for PhD traning program in France ( 911 project ) 2015 {01}

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Fri Apr 3 15:40:05 ICT 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh
Date: 2015-04-01 15:29 GMT+07:00
Subject: Call for PhD traning program in France ( 911 project ) 2015
To: activity at iop.vast.ac.vn

I would like to inform you that the Call for PhD training program in France
( 911 project) has been published on the website of University of Science
and Technology of Hanoi (USTH). Could you please transfer these information
to people who are interested in finding a PhD scholarship program ?

Call for PhD training program in France of USTH in 2015.

The details are as following :

*1.      **Number, Mode of Training and Duration: *

Number of scholarships: 40

Mode of training: Full time in France

*2.      **Duration*: 3-4 years, tentative start in 2015

*3.      **Registering time and admission procedure:*

*3.1.**Registering time*: From March 12th , 2015 to May 3rd , 2015

*3.2.**Admission procedure: *

a)      Screening application dossiers at USTH

b)      Face to face interview by a specific jury of French and Vietnamese

c)      List of candidates who pass the interviews will be sent to MOET for
review and approval for training abroad in 2015.

*4.      **Subjects :  *

*4.1.*Master graduates having at least Good study result, having a labor
contract for resource staffs with USTH before joining the PhD program in

*4.2.*University graduatees within 12 months up to the application date,
having at least Very Good Result;

*4.3.*Master graduatees within 12 months up to the application date, having
at least Very Good Result with the average mark from 8.0/10);

*4.4.*Permanent lecturers, definite or indefinite term contract lecturers
working for universities, institutes, colleges (not including vocational
colleges) and researchers working in scientific research institutes, who
are Master’s degree holders.

*5.                   **Eligibility conditions *

*5.1.**Common conditions: *

a)      Good moral qualities and good health condition to study abroad;

b)      Up to 45 years old (counting to application date);

c)      Registering for an appropriate field with the training fields of
USTH and his/her graduated fields.

d)     Commitment to coming back to USTH for working after graduation;

*5.2.**Specifics conditions* :

-          Foreign language proficiency ( Please see the Call
for more details)

-          In case the PhD candidates holding only the Bachelor degrees
(not having finished any Master programs yet) should be accepted by the
foreign training institutes to enter the PhD programs directly, they would
be considered based on the official acceptance letter and the specific
conditions of admission of that institutes.

-          Bachelor and Master Graduates under the scholarship programs of
the State budget or the Agreement (selected by MOET to study abroad) must
have at least 2 years of working experience in Vietnam after finishing the
above courses to the issuance time of this call to apply for this.

Please click on this link for more details about this Call :

Many thanks for your kind attention,

Best regards,

[image: cid:image001.png at 01CC2F5B.BE0D64E0]

Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh

Doctoral School (DS)

*University of Science & Technology of Hanoi*

*Tel *| *Fax :* (+84-4) 37 91 72 05

*Email : *nguyen-thi-thuy.hanh at usth.edu.vn; doctoral.school at usth.edu.vn*;
admission.PhD at usth.edu.vn <admission.PhD at usth.edu.vn> *

*Ad : *R. 806, 8th floor, Education and Service Building, Vietnam Academy
of Science and Technology, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Hanoi.

*Website :* http://www.usth.edu.vn/
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