[Ngo Climate Change] FW: Request for Consultation: Call for Organization to Provide Secretariat Services

Minh, Nguyen Anh NguyenAnh.Minh at careint.org
Fri Apr 3 16:52:41 ICT 2015

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Request for Consultation:

Asia LEDS Partnership Seeks Organization to Provide Secretariat Services

The Asia LEDS Partnership is issuing a call to Asia-based firms and organizations well-positioned to provide Secretariat services to the network. The Request for Consultation<http://asialeds.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8&id=eeac42e90a&e=694ea1ca06> outlines Secretariat responsibilities, eligibility criteria, and required information for interested organizations. Consider your organization's qualifications and interest in applying, or help the Partnership to reach the region's best candidates by sharing this announcement amongst organizations in your networks.

The Secretariat supports the Partnership's goal in advancing the development of country-led strategic plans to promote economic growth while reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Asia region. As Secretariat, the selected organization will facilitate and promote regional cooperation and collaboration, and will support learning across member organizations and Asian countries.

For more detailed information, including full responsibilities, eligibility criteria, and required information to include in responses of interest, please view the full Consultation Request<http://asialeds.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8&id=cbacc5479a&e=694ea1ca06>.

Responses to this request should be sent to Secretariat at AsiaLEDS.org<mailto:Secretariat at AsiaLEDS.org> with the required information (see Consultation Request) contained on no more than five pages, and without additional materials or attachments. Responses are requested as soon as possible, and no later than April 30, 2015.

To learn more about the Asia LEDS Partnership, its members, activities, and accomplishments, visit www.asialeds.org<http://asialeds.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8&id=7257dc09eb&e=694ea1ca06>.

                                               [https://gallery.mailchimp.com/fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8/images/7663aa43-3570-416b-9d15-b48aba77068e.png] <http://asialeds.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8&id=1aebd6c0a1&e=694ea1ca06>
Asia LEDS Partnership Secretariat
USAID Low Emissions Asian Development (LEAD<http://asialeds.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8&id=4805c49189&e=694ea1ca06>) Program
ICF International
All Seasons Place, 87 Wireless Road
Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Tel : +66 2 655 8311/2 | www.AsiaLEDS.org<http://asialeds.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fce953f5b6163a2c0191f8be8&id=3006a81121&e=694ea1ca06>
This message was prepared with support from the
US Agency for International Development (USAID)









Nguyen Anh Minh (Ms.)
NGO Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) Coordinator
CARE International in Vietnam.
Address: P.O Box 20 Hanoi | 92 To Ngoc Van Road, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi, Vietnam.
Tel: +84-4-37161930 ext: 322 | Fax: +84-4-37161935 | Mobile: +84-982-774 186.
Email: NguyenAnh.Minh at careint.org<mailto:NguyenAnh.Minh at careint.org>| Website: http://www.care.org.au/vietnam | skype: minh.nguyen.anh

         CARE      seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security.

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