[Ngo Climate Change] Consultancy Opportunity: Consultant for Oxfam Regional Private Sector Resilience Program

Hang Thu Vu HangThu.Vu at oxfamnovib.nl
Tue Apr 7 18:03:31 ICT 2015

Dear colleagues,

Oxfam is looking for a qualified and experienced consultant to support six country teams in Asia to develop program framework as well as full proposal to interested donors on private sector resilience.

Kindly help us to share this opportunity to your relevant networks and mailing lists where it is possible.

Please note that the deadline for application is 20th April 2015.

For more information, please visit Oxfam in Vietnam blogs: http://www.oxfamblogs.org/vietnam/2015/04/07/oxfams-opportunity-regional-consultant-private-sector-and-resilience-programme-development-trajectory/

Thank you very much and best regards,

Thu Hang,

VU THU HANG | Programme Officer
Oxfam | 22 Le Dai Hanh | Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel +84 4 3945 4448 ext 206 | mobile +84 982 711 543
www.oxfam.org/vietnam<http://www.oxfam.org/vietnam> | www.oxfamblogs.org/vietnam<http://www.oxfamblogs.com/vietnam>

Oxfam không chấp nhận bất cứ hình thức ngược đãi, gian lận hoặc tham nhũng nào. Chúng tôi rất hoan nghênh những ý kiến phản ánh và cam kết giữ bí mật những thông tin này. Xin vui lòng chia sẻ ý kiến đóng góp về công việc của chúng tôi theo số máy +84439454448 hoặc gửi email tới địa chỉ oxfaminvietnam at oxfam.org.uk<mailto:oxfaminvietnam at oxfam.org.uk>.

Oxfam does not tolerate abuse, fraud or corruption. We welcome feedback and treat information in confidence. Please share any concerns about our work. Call +84439454448 or email to oxfaminvietnam at oxfam.org.uk<mailto:oxfaminvietnam at oxfam.org.uk>.

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