[Ngo Climate Change] Advocacy & Policy Influencing training 6-9 June in Cambodia

Do Thi Thanh Thuy dtt at mdf.nl
Tue May 10 18:43:21 ICT 2016

Dear all,
Sign up now for our Advocacy and Policy Influencing training that will take place between 6-9 June in Cambodia. Course fee is Euro 725 including training venue, lunches, refreshments, materials and certificate.
Registration: mdfic at mdf.nl; 84 (0)462584438; or complete an online registration here .

Courses in English
Course nameDatesLocationFee €Registration
Management and Supervisory Skills 20 - 23 JunMyanmar725Complete this form
Advocacy and Policy Influencing 06 – 09 JunCambodia725Complete this form
Disability Mainstreaming 27 – 30 JunVietnam725Complete this form
Training of Trainers06 – 09 JulMyanmar725Complete this form
Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning10 – 13 AugMyanmar725Complete this form
Leadership and People Management12 - 15 SepMyanmar725Complete this form
Impact Evaluation18 – 22 OctCambodia725Complete this form
Making Partnerships Work 14 – 17 NovVietnam725Complete this form

Courses in Vietnamese
Training of trainers
Đào tạo Giảng viên23-26 MayHanoi8.000.000Complete this form
Results Based Management
Quản lý dự án theo kết quả25 – 28 JulHanoi8.000.000 Complete this form
Advocacy and Policy Influencing
Vận động chính sách10– 13 Oct Hanoi8.000.000 Complete this form
Disability Mainstreaming
Lồng ghép hòa nhập người khuyết tật trong các dự án, tổ chức21-24 NovHanoi8.000.000 Complete this form
Outcome Mapping
Lập bản đồ kết quả chương trình dự án5–8 DecHanoi8.000.000 Complete this form
Talent Management
Quản lý Nhân Tài12–15 Dec Hanoi8.000.000 Complete this form

We look forward to welcoming you on our trainings.
Best regards,
Do Thi Thanh Thuy | Business Development and Marketing Manager | MDF Asia | R905, 9th floor, 249A Thuy Khue street, Hanoi, Vietnam | www.mdf.nl | P: +84 4 6258 4438; M: +84 912356351; Skype: thuydo2013
MDF Asia Training & Consultancy Management solutions for a better world. More info: www.mdf.nl
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