[Ngo Climate Change] FW: Invitation to Launching Workshop on Community Based Climate Change Initiatives in Vietnam, 3rd June 2016 - GENTLE REMINDER

Pham Thuy Dung Dung.PhamThuy at oxfamnovib.nl
Fri May 27 08:53:33 ICT 2016

Dear all,

This is a gentle reminder for your confirmation to the Launching Workshop of the Report and Policy Brief on Community Based Climate Change Initiatives in Vietnam to be organized on 3rd June 2016 (next Friday).

Looking forward to welcoming you all at the workshop.

Best regards,

PHAM THUY DUNG | Programme Officer for Building Resilience
Oxfam in Vietnam | 22 Le Dai Hanh | Hanoi, Vietnam
+84 4 3945 4448 ext 412 | Fax +84 4 3945 4449 |  mobile +84 988 900 327
www.oxfam.org/vietnam<blocked::http://www.oxfam.org/vietnam> | www.oxfamblogs.org/vietnam<blocked::http://www.oxfamblogs.org/vietnam>

From: Pham Thuy Dung
Sent: 20 May 2016 16:42
To: Pham Thuy Dung
Subject: Invitation to Launching Workshop of the Report and Policy Brief on Community Based Climate Change Initiatives in Vietnam, 3rd June 2016

Dear Sir/Madam.

We would like to invite you to participate in a workshop to be organized by the NGO Resource Centre, Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) on the 3rd June 2016 in Hanoi, Vietnam. This workshop will launch an Impact Assessment Report on Community Based Climate Change Initiatives undertaken by the CCWG, and an accompanying Policy Brief, based on good practices. The workshop will provide an opportunity to advocate for the replication and scaling-up of good practices within the government programmes to respond to climate change.

Date:                     8:30 – 12:30, 3rd June 2016 (Friday)
Location:             Hanoi Club, 76 Yen Phu Street, Tay Ho district, Hanoi, Vietnam

Invitation letter and workshop Agenda is attached in this email.

Please kindly confirm your participation to Ms. Luong Ngoc Quang, Program Admin Officer at Quang.LuongNgoc at oxfamnovib.nl<mailto:Quang.LuongNgoc at oxfamnovib.nl> or +84.4.3945.4448 ext 219, mobile +84.916.147.206 no later than 29 May 2016 for effective logistical arrangements.

Best regards,

PHAM THUY DUNG | Programme Officer for Building Resilience
Oxfam in Vietnam | 22 Le Dai Hanh | Hanoi, Vietnam
+84 4 3945 4448 ext 224 | Fax +84 4 3945 4449 |  mobile +84 988 900 327
www.oxfam.org/vietnam<blocked::http://www.oxfam.org/vietnam> | www.oxfamblogs.org/vietnam<blocked::http://www.oxfamblogs.org/vietnam>

Oxfam không chấp nhận bất cứ hình thức ngược đãi, gian lận hoặc tham nhũng nào. Chúng tôi rất hoan nghênh những ý kiến phản ánh và cam kết giữ bí mật những thông tin này. Xin vui lòng chia sẻ ý kiến đóng góp về công việc của chúng tôi theo số máy +84439454448 hoặc gửi email tới địa chỉ Oxfam.vietnam at oxfamnovib.nl<mailto:Oxfam.vietnam at oxfamnovib.nl>.

Oxfam does not tolerate abuse, fraud or corruption. We welcome feedback and treat information in confidence. Please share any concerns about our work. Call +84439454448 or email to Oxfam.vietnam at oxfamnovib.nl<mailto:Oxfam.vietnam at oxfamnovib.nl>

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