[Ngo Climate Change] MDF Asia - Training: IMPACT EVALUATION | 06 - 09 August 2019 | Bangkok, Thailand

Tung Manh Nguyen tng at mdf.nl
Thu Jun 20 16:38:52 +07 2019

Dear everyone, 

Today, development assistance places great emphasis on demonstrating
impact.  Having a logical framework with impact indicators is a first
step to design projects with impact in mind. The next step is measuring
that impact in a robust manner with mix of quantitative and qualitative
methods. Our Impact Evaluation training course will show what impact
measurement methods are available, and how to plan and budget for impact
assessments. Participating in the course, you will: 
	●  Know how to select effective strategies for determining
causal attribution of your programme impact
	●  Have an overview of available tools and platforms and learn
how to select the right mix of methods
	●  Be able to specify the information collection and analysis
	●  Be able to analyse, present and defend robust impact
evaluation findings
We would like to invite you to register 
( http://bit.ly/IE_BKK_AUG_2019) for the course and present you with
the following promotional offers: 
	●  05% discount for early bird payments completed by the end
of 25 June 2019
	●  05% discount to a group of 03 participants from the same
	●  10% discount to a group of 04 participants from the same
	●  10% discount to MDF alumni who attended an MDF course
within the past 02 years. 
	●  01 free place for a group of 06 registrations from the same
Here is the course information: 
	●  Time & location: 6 - 9 August 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand
	●  Course fee: 870 EUR (excluding taxes) 
	●  Registration link: http://bit.ly/IE_BKK_AUG_2019
If you need further information or registration assistance, please,
feel free to contact us at mdfasia at mdf.nl or tng at mdf.nl 
We look forward to welcoming you all in the course. 

Thank you & best regards, 

Tung Nguyen (Mr.)| Marketing & Customer Service Officer | MDF Asia
(Vietnam Office) | R501, Building A1, Diplomatic Compound, 298 Kim Ma
Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi,Vietnam|T: +84 (0)24 6258 4438
( tel:+840462584438) | Mobile: +84 (0) 982 922 935
( tel:+8401648936666) 
MDF Asia Training & Consultancy Empowering people, creating impact.

Upcoming courses in 2019  
>From NGO to Social Enterprise   
2 – 5 July, Bangkok,Thailand
( http://bit.ly/NGO_BKK_JULY_2019)   
Results-Based Project Management   
9 – 12 July, Yangon, Myanmar
( http://bit.ly/RBPM_JULY_YGN_2019)  
22 – 25 October, Bangkok, Thailand
( http://bit.ly/RBPM_OCT_BKK_2019)   
HR Management in an International Context   
23 – 26 July, Bangkok, Thailand
( http://bit.ly/HRM_BKK_JULY_2019)   
Impact Evaluation   
6 – 9 August, Bangkok,Thailand
( http://bit.ly/IE_BKK_AUG_2019)   
Leadership & People Management   
27 – 30 August, Kathmandu, Nepal
( http://bit.ly/LPM_Nepal_2019)   
Advocacy & Policy Influencing   
3 – 9 September, Dhaka, Bangladesh
( http://bit.ly/API_Bangladesh_2019)   
Writing Winning Proposals   
24 – 27 September, Yangon, Myanmar
( http://bit.ly/WWP_YGN_SEP_2019)   
Making Partnerships Work   
1 – 4 October, Hanoi, Vietnam
( http://bit.ly/MPW_Oct_2019)   
Corporate Sustainability Partnerships   
5 – 8 November, Bangkok, Thailand
( http://bit.ly/CSP_BKK_NOV_2019)   
Monitoring & Evaluation for Learning   
26 – 29 November, Bangkok, Thailand
( http://bit.ly/MEL_BKK_NOV_2019)   


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