[Ngo Climate Change] Fwd: FW: Scoping study of corporates for DFCD pipeline

CCWG Vietnam ccwgvietnam at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 14:12:08 +07 2024

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anh Vu Quoc <anh.vuquoc at wwf.org.vn>
Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 1:43 PM
Subject: FW: Scoping study of corporates for DFCD pipeline
To: CCWG Vietnam <ccwgvietnam at gmail.com>

Dear CCWG members,

WWF-Viet Nam is seeking the consultant team for this assignment. Please see
the attachment for more information. The interested experts please send
your their techncial and financial proposals to ccwgvietnam at gmail.com by 24
th Apr 2024.

Thank you so much,

CCWG Coordination team
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