[Ngo Climate Change] Thai Nguyen Climate Conference 2024 - Call for abstract

Nguyen, Quang Tan (ICRAF) N.QuangTan at cifor-icraf.org
Tue Jun 18 13:48:18 +07 2024

Dear CCWG members,

Hope this information catches your attention. Please help circulate this call to those who you think may be interested in

All the best,

Thai Nguyen Climate Conference 2024 (4-7 November 2024)

Climate change poses significant challenges to biodiversity, agriculture, water resources, community health, and infrastructure, requiring global efforts to mitigate its impact and adapt to the changes occurring and anticipated.
Vietnam, with its extensive coastline, diverse ecosystems, and significant agricultural sector, is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change which is posing substantial threats to the livelihoods, food security, and overall well-being of its rural population.
In response to these challenges, there is a pressing need for effective climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies tailored to the specific context of Vietnam's rural areas.
Against this backdrop, the International Center for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) and Thai Nguyen University of Agriculture and Forestry have joined forces to organize a conference focused on climate change mitigation and adaptation science and practices tailored to Vietnam's rural context. The conference will focus on the following topics: Climate change impacts on rural communities, scientific knowledge and best practices, capacity building and collaboration and community resilience.

Expected Outputs:
Raise Awareness: By bringing together experts, researchers, policymakers, and local practitioners, the conference would help raise awareness about the impacts of climate change on rural communities and the urgent need for action.
Share Scientific Insights: The conference would provide a forum for scientists and researchers to present the latest findings on climate change impacts, vulnerability assessments, and adaptation strategies specific to Vietnam's rural context.
Showcase Good Practices: Successful case studies and innovative approaches for climate change adaptation and mitigation in rural areas could be showcased during the conference, providing valuable lessons and inspiration for replication in other communities.
Foster Collaboration: The conference would facilitate networking and collaboration among stakeholders, fostering partnerships between government agencies, NGOs, academia, and local communities to enhance resilience and sustainability in rural areas.
Inform Policy Development: Insights generated from the conference could inform the development of evidence-based policies and strategies to mainstream climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts into national and local development plans.

Conference format:
The conference will feature keynote presentations, panel discussions, paper presentations, poster presentation, workshops, and networking sessions. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with leading experts, share their research and experiences, and contribute to shaping the future of climate change learning and action in Vietnam. Depending on availability of technical facilities, some sessions will be organized in hybrid format (onsite and online).

Who is eligible?
The conference is open to researchers, academics, educators, government officials, practitioners, NGOs, mass organizations, businesses, students, local communities and other stakeholders interested in advancing climate change learning and action in Viet Nam.

The Conference’s official languages are English and Vietnamese. Simultaneous translation service of these languages will be provided for both onsite and online events. Abstracts shall be submitted in English.

The Conference Organizing Committee (COC) cordially invites you to submit abstract for oral / poster presentation.  All abstracts must be submitted online via the online Abstract Submission Portal. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail will not be included in the abstract review process.
03 June 2024 - Open call for abstract
15 July 2024– Submission deadline
31 July 2024– acceptance notification
Presentation types

  *   Oral presentations (15 minutes)
  *   Poster presentation

  *   Agroforestry and Biodiversity Conservation
  *   Good Practices of Resilient Agriculture to Cope with Climate Change
  *   Forest protection and management for ecosystem services and climate change benefits
  *   Water Management as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
  *   Renewable Energy Development and Energy Saving in Rural Context
  *   Waste Management and Circular Economy
Abstract proposal requirements
Max 300 words
Abstract is a well-developed paragraph, should be exact in wording, and must be understandable to a wide audience. The abstract should explain the topic of your papers, and summarizes the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that includes: 1) the context and overall purpose of the study and the research problem(s) you investigated; 2) the basic design of the study; 3) major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis; and, 4) a brief summary of your interpretations and conclusions.
Use acronyms only when necessary and define all abbreviations and concepts in your abstract at first use.
Names and affiliation(s) of the lead author and all the co-author(s) should be clearly indicated. Contact information (email and telephone number) of the corresponding author must be provided.
Abstracts should be written in English.
Indicate the preferred type of presentation

  *   Oral presentation
  *   Poster presentation
Indicate the type of focus

  *   Research: for example, presentation of original research findings, how they offer a new perspective or inform or link to existing research and theory.
  *   Practice: for example, describing a promising new and innovative intervention or program, including experiential activities.
Review process
Abstracts will be evaluated by Conference Scientific Committee. The review will look at the clarity of content, quality, and rigor, relevance to the Conference’s themes, interest, and usefulness of content to conference attendees. Priority will be given to abstracts using data collected in Asia-Pacific region.
The abstract review committee reserves the right to make the final decision regarding the classification of your presentation in terms of the relevant thematic topics and focus (research, practice).
Abstract acceptance and further considerations
After the review process, should an abstract be accepted for oral presentation, the corresponding authors will need to submit the presentation by 1 October 2024. High quality abstracts that may not be accepted for oral presentation due to the limited number of presenting slots will be suggested to submit a poster presentation instead.
Abstracts that are accepted for oral presentation will be published (free of charge) on the Conference proceedings upon comments/suggestions/edits made by reviewers.
The COC plans to invite a limited number of authors with high quality presentations to develop into full papers (in Vietnamese) for publication in a national peer-review scientific journal. All related cost for publication will be borne by the COC.
Presenter registration
All presenters (for both oral presentations and posters) are required to register before 1 September 2024. Link to registration form will be provided by August 1st 2024. The COC reserves the right to withdraw the abstract if its author fails to register by the deadline.
Registration fees and financial support for presenters
The Conference does not require presenters to pay any registration fee. However, presenters are expected to self-cover their own cost (e.g. travel to and from the conference venue, accommodation, and meals), except those covered by the conference organization committee (COC). Limited funding support is available for those whose abstracts are accepted for oral presentation. Further information will be provided at later stage.
For questions or additional information, please visit: http://climateconference.tuaf.edu.vn/.

NGUYEN, Quang Tan. Ph.D.
Viet Nam Country Coordinator/ Senior Scientist
13th Floor, HCMCC Tower, 249A Thuy Khue street, Thuy Khue Ward, Tay Ho District, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
E: n.quangtan at cifor-icraf.org<mailto:n.quangtan at cifor-icraf.org> | T & F: +84 24 3783 4644/45 | M: +84 915 130 971
W:  https://www.worldagroforestry.org/country/Viet Nam<https://www.worldagroforestry.org/country/Viet%20Nam>
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CIFOR and ICRAF are CGIAR Research Centers<http://www.cgiar.org/>
Visit our INTEGRITY HOTLINE <http://www.worldagroforestry.org/integrity-hotline> to report issues related to research ethics, fraud, harassment and other forms of wrongdoing.
P   There is nothing better than a tree. Before you print this or other documents, please consider the impact on the environment !

Please note my email account has been changed to n.quangtan at cifor-icraf.org<mailto:n.quangtan at cifor-icraf.org>. Kindly update your address book

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