[opportunities] EMW Job Vacancies - 2 Communications Interns based in Hanoi

Ho Thi Y Nhi nhi.ho at eastmeetswest.org
Tue Jul 29 05:05:01 BST 2014

Dear All,

Would you please help to post the attached job announcement from EMW on NGO Centre Network.

Thanks, Nhi

Check out the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) video featuring our program to save babies around the world.  Click here<http://video.pbs.org/video/2365286802/> to watch.

Ho Thi Y Nhi/Ms.
Director for Admin. & Finance VN
East Meets West
7th Floor, English Language Institute Bldg.-University of Danang
41 Le Duan Street, Danang - Vietnam
nhi.ho at eastmeetswest.org<mailto:nhi.ho at eastmeetswest.org> or hoynhi at gmail.com<mailto:hoynhi at gmail.com>
Tel.: (84) 511-3829110, Fax: (84) 511-3821850
Cell: 091-411-2411
Skype hoynhi
East Meets West’s programs include clean water and sanitation, health care and education for disadvantaged people in Asia.
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