[opportunities] World Vision Vietnam: Consultancy service for End Project Qualitative Evaluation of the Economic Development Project

Pham Thanh Thuy Pham_Thanh_Thuy at wvi.org
Mon Jul 28 09:59:01 BST 2014

Dear ALL,

World Vision International Vietnam (WVV) is looking for Consultant to
provide end of project qualitative evaluation service for the Economic
Development for Poor Families in Lac Son and Tua Chua Area Development
Programs (ADPs).

The Economic Development project has been implemented since 1st October
2011 and will end by 30th September 2014. The project is located in Tua
Chua district of Dien Bien province and Lac Son district of Hoa Binh
province. The economic development project was formulated to address key
focal problems in Tua Chua and Lac Son districts: Severe poverty still
exists in the two districts (Nutrition and economic), the economic
activities in the districts are often production/consumption driven, less
market oriented, market exclusion of poor micro producers/farmers in the
two districts, low savings capacity of the poor in the target areas. The
project goal is to “Improve economic condition of the poor households with
children in the target ADPs through increasing market access opportunity
and household financial resilience”.

Evaluation  purpose: The End-project Evaluation aims to assess achievement,
effectiveness  and  sustainability  of  the project interventions, and make
practical  and  specific  recommendation  at  both strategy and operational
levels  for future programming on how to “improve economic condition of the
poor  households with children in the target ADPs through increasing market
access opportunity and household financial resilience.

The consultant is required to meet the following qualifications, skills and

      Bachelor  degree  in economic development, agro-business, development
      management, or the like. Having master degree will be an advantage.
      At least 5 years experience in livelihood development for the poor in
      mountainous  areas.  Proven  technical  knowledge  and  expertise  in
      economic   development,   particularly   pro-poor   value   chain  of
      agriculture produces, micro savings and micro lending.
      Knowledgeable  of  Vietnam  development  context,  agriculture sector
      development in particular.
      Proven  experience  and  skills  in  project  completion evaluations,
      especially in the position of team leader.
      Excellent reporting skills in English.
      Excellent  experience  and skills in using participatory facilitating
      techniques and tools; for meetings, training, discussions (especially
      Focus    Group    Discussions),   interviews   (especially   in-depth
      Have  experience  working with farmers and/or farmer interest groups;
      having such experience working with ethnic minority people will be an
      Able   to   travel   on   motorbike   in   remote   and   mountainous

Please find the TOR in attached file for more details.

(See attached file: TOR for end phase evaluation for ED project in Tau Chua
and   Lac   Son   -   qualitative   part.doc)(See  attached  file:  NGO  RC
Adv-Consultancy service-ED Project-North1_Aug14.doc)

Interested  consultants/agencies  are  invited  to  send  proposal,  CV and
application letter to the email address:  job_application at wvi.org or:

      People and Culture Department
      World Vision International - Vietnam
      Address: 4th floor, the HEAC building, 14-16 Ham Long street, Hanoi
      Tel: 04. 39439920 (ext.114)

Deadline for Submission: 06 August 2014

We give equal opportunity to every candidate, regardless of religion, race
and gender.

World  Vision  is  a  Christian  humanitarian  organization  which works to
improve  the  quality  of  life  of  people,  especially  children, who are
marginalized and living in poverty regardless of religion, race and gender.

We appreciate if you could help to circulate the information to your
networks. Thank you very much for your support.

Dear NGO admin,

Could you please help to post this advertisement and the attached TOR  to
your website. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Pham Thanh Thuy - P&C Officer - World Vision Vietnam
Add: 4th Floor, HEAC Building, 14 - 16 Ham Long, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-39439920 Ext: 114		Fax: 84-4-39439921
“Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so”

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