[opportunities] Consultancy service(s) for Haiphong city Resilient to Climate Change and Disaster Risks (HRCD) project of WVV (Deadline extended)

Pham Thanh Thuy Pham_Thanh_Thuy at wvi.org
Wed Jul 9 03:09:31 BST 2014

Dear ALL,

World Vision International Vietnam (WVV) is looking for Consultant(s) to
provide services  for the Haiphong city Resilient to Climate Change and
Disaster Risks (HRCD) project in Hai Phong.

The overall goal of the Hai Phong City Resilient to Climate Change &
Disaster Risks (HRCD) is to increase community resilience of the local
people in Hai Phong city vulnerable to natural disaster risks and climate
change’s effects”. The project will focus on building Disaster Risk
Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) capacity for children,
Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and communities in the selected areas of
Hai Phong city in a comprehensive manner through raising awareness on
disaster risks and climate change, increasing local capacity to respond to
disaster risks, improving livelihood opportunities as well as reducing
vulnerabilities and risks to their livelihoods and the small business
sector in target communities of three districts of Ngo Quyen, Tien Lang and
Cat Hai. The project is started in 01 November 2013 (including design time)
and will be ended in 30 September 2017.

Conslutant(s) are invited to provide services for both or a separated
Assignment as follows:

- Assignment #1: ToT training for teachers/education staff on Child-focused
Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Change Adaptation (CF DRR-CCA) (See
attached file: HRCD_SME survey and training.doc)

- Assignment #2: Researches on the existing status of Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) in three districts towards DRR-CCA, training need
assessment and Corporate 	Social Responsibilities (CSR); to design and
deliver the training to SMEs and related institutions.  (See attached file:
HRCD_TOR training for teachers.doc)

Interested  consultants/agencies  are  invited  to  send  proposal which is
indicated  clearly  of  Assignment  number  #  they  are  applying,  CV and
application letter to the email address:  job_application at wvi.org or:

      People and Culture Department
      World Vision International - Vietnam
      Address: 4th floor, the HEAC building, 14-16 Ham Long street, Hanoi
      Tel: 04. 39439920 (ext.114)

Deadline for Submission: 15 July 2014

We give equal opportunity to every candidate, regardless of religion, race
and gender.

World  Vision  is  a  Christian  humanitarian  organization  which works to
improve  the  quality  of  life  of  people,  especially  children, who are
marginalized and living in poverty regardless of religion, race and gender.

We appreciate if you could help to circulate the information to your
networks. Thank you very much for your support.

Dear NGO admin,

Could you please help to post this advertisement and the attached TOR  to
your website. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Pham Thanh Thuy - P&C Officer - World Vision Vietnam
Add: 4th Floor, HEAC Building, 14 - 16 Ham Long, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-39439920 Ext: 114		Fax: 84-4-39439921
“Our vision for every child, life in all its fullness
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make it so”

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