[opportunities] Recruitment for Senior Programme and M&E Officer

info vietnam info-vietnam at aide-et-action.org
Tue Aug 8 14:56:43 ICT 2017

Aide et Action International (AEAI) is an international NGO, headquartered
in Geneva, Switzerland.  AEA International began its programs in 1981 and
is now working in more than 20 countries across Africa, the Caribbean,
Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and China to support the development of
sustainable education projects with our belief in the universal right to a
quality education. Each AEAI intervention is based around this ethos.

AEA Vietnam started working in 2003 focusing on Early Childhood Care and
Education (ECCE). Over more than 10 years of experiences along with local
communities, partner organizations, and governments, we have implemented a
number of projects in various locations of  Vietnam. We are currently
recruiting *a creative, enthusiastic and innovative Vietnamese candidate
for the position of Senior Programme and M&E Officer.*  A very competitive
salary, benefits and career development will be offered for qualified
candidates commensurate with the responsibilities and qualifications. The
*TOR *is attached herewith.

·         Long term stable and secured job

·         13 months salary fixed per year

·         Full package of SOCIAL, HEALTH & UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCES as laws

·         Extra accident & medical care insurances for staff

Please send your application letter, CV and related qualification to email
address: info-vietnam at aide-et-action.org no later than 25th August 2017.
<tu.nguyen at aide-et-action.org>Only short-listed candidates will be
contacted for tests/interviews.


Trân trọng / Best regards,

Add: No. 15, Lane 46, Hao Nam Str., Dong Da dis., Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: +844 3726 5537        +844 3211 5932

Website: vietnam.seac.aide-et-action.org <http://vietnam.seac/>

Facebook: www.facebook.com/AEAVN
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